细说英语粗话:9. Big mouth
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    9. Big mouth

     big mouth 大嘴巴,口不择言的人

     you and your big mouth 都是你这个大嘴巴(责人)!

     shut your big mouth 请闭上你的尊嘴!

     me and my big mouth 都怪我这个大嘴巴(自责)!

    Big mouth 一词用以自贬或责怪他人。自贬时,通常在说溜了嘴或批评他人而口不择言后用之。此一语气并不粗俗,正式社交场所亦可使用。

    Big mouth 用来——损人,贬人

    1. big mouth 大嘴巴,口不择言的人

    A. WABC1 is courting another right-winged2 big mouth,Mike Gallagher3,to fill the time slot vacated by venomous radio host Bob Grant4.


    (Daily News,5/2/96)


    1. WABC总部设在纽约市,系迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)旗下的广播电台。美国的广播电台台名冠K或W,电台驻密西西比河以西的用(K),位于密西西比河以东的用(W)。

    2. right-winged 属右翼的,指思想保守的 (如反对死刑及堕胎等),多是用来形容共和党籍人士(Republicans)。

    3. Gallagher 驻纽约州阿班尼市——脱口秀 (talk show——访谈节目)主持人。

    4. Grant 因说话过于刻薄恶毒,令迪士尼公司不悦而炒了鱿鱼。

    A. Eyes snapping with fire1,Chavez2,…said,“When it started, it was O.K. But Rosario has a big mouth,and the people around him have got big mouths. He went too far. When a man calls me what he called me3,that’s when the fight4 starts.”

    (Sport Illustrated,11/30/87)



    1. eyes snapping with fire 借“眼睛有劈啦作响的火”喻“忍无可忍”解。由副词从句When his eyes snap (snapped/are(were)snapping) with fire简化而成。

    2. Chavez,Rosario 两人当时二十四岁,皆轻量级(135磅)职业拳击手,在交锋前后者不断挑衅时,为前者对现场记者所说的话。

    3. what he called me Rosario骂Chavez为胆战心惊的人(a coward)。

    4. the fight 指两个人要到外面去对决算账。

    2. you and your big mouth 都是你这个大嘴巴!

    A. I told Joyce that you bought a Valentine’s gift for her.


    B. I told you not to tell her. I wanted to keep it a secret.


    A. I couldn’t help it. She asked me….


    B. You and your big mouth!


    3. shut your big mouth 闭上你的尊嘴!

    A. (Police,after discovering a suspicious package in the car trunk) OK,Who can tell me what’s in this package?


    B. (rider,scared) It’s… it’s…mari….1

    (乘客,显得恐慌) 是……是……大……。

    C. (driver to rider) Shut your big mouth,and let me do the talking2!



    1. mari… 是marijuana (大麻),欲言又止,只说出了前半个音节。

    2. do the talking 负责来说,the talking是纯名词性的动名词 (Verbal noun),当do的宾语,类似用法很多,如 My mother does all the washing. (衣服都是妈妈洗的。)I did the telephoning. (电话是我打的。)

    A. “The way you talked to your wife after the game—if I were her2—— I’d have left you. Seriously.”


    B. “Know what might help2? Learn to mind your own business and keep your big mouth shut.”

    (Men’s Health 杂志,9/1/98)



    1. If I were her 是虚拟语气 (Subjunctive mood),但在语法上主语补足语应该用主格的she,但在口语中常用宾格取代。

    2. Know what might help? (你可)知道该怎样做吗?语句中省去了 “Do You”。

    Big mouth 用来自贬

    A. Me and my big mouth! Dave found out about our plans for a surprise birthday party for him after I told Amy about it.


      上一篇:细说英语粗话:8. Beanbrain 下一篇:细说英语粗话:10. Bimbo


