细说英语粗话:20. Butt
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    20. Butt

     butt 屁股、臀部,蠢货、可恶的人,一支烟

     buttface 丑八怪,可恶的人

     butt-fuck(er) (指男性)不受欢迎的人、讨厌鬼,鸡奸者

     butthead 蠢材,讨厌自己的蠢货,虚无主义的呆子

     butthole 愚蠢无能的人,卑鄙可恶的家伙

     buttwipe 无赖,卑躬屈膝者,可恶的人

     butt-ugly 极丑的

     butt cover 护卫、撑腰、庇护;作后盾、后援

     butt fuck 鸡奸;使牺牲、成牺牲品,使受骗

     butt in 插嘴,闯入,管闲事

     butt into 巧遇

     butt out 走开!别插嘴!

     bust one’s butt 卖力,卖命

     cover someone’s butt 替……撑腰,庇护……,护卫……,作……后援

     kick butt 痛打,痛宰

     kiss my butt 去你的,呸!呸!

     kiss someone’s butt 露骨地拍马屁,卑躬屈膝

     save one’s butt 救急

     work one’s butt off 卖力,卖命

    Butt一字及其在名词合成语中,除 buttface = fuckface及butthead=fuckhead外,多作ass的避讳字,如 butthole=asshole,buttwipe=asswipe,皆“可恶的人”;在动词短语中亦然,如 kick butt=kick ass (痛打,痛宰),kiss my butt=kiss my ass(去你的!),及work one’s butt off=work one’s ass off(卖力,卖命);作形容词合成语,如 butt-ugly person(极丑的人);当动词短语时,除 butt cover表示“护卫”,及 butt fuck表示“鸡奸”或“使受骗”外,有 butt in(插嘴,管闲事),butt into (巧遇),及 butt out(走开!别管闲事!)。虽美国人常用 butt 当 ass 的避讳字眼,然而 butt 仍被视为粗俗之字(vulgarity),正式社交场所力劝少用,仕人淑女尤然。

    Butt 及有关之字,用来骂人,贬人

    1. butt 蠢货,可恶的人

    A. Guests appearing on one daytime TV show get into1 arguments, fight and throw things around.


    B. They make total2 butts out of themselves.



    1. get into 陷入(某种状况)。另作“加入”某职位或行业,“上” (车),“穿”(衣服),“投入……”(某种爱好),“深入……”(某理论或问题)等。

    2. total 借“全部”作“彻底”解。

    2. buttface 丑八怪,可恶的人

    A. …Lindsey1 has been reduced2 at times like these to lashing out3 at the people who are trying to cure her. So neurosurgeon Winston suddenly is “idiot”. Mommy is a “buttface”. Daddy gets a whack in the chest as he tries to hold her.

    (Denver Rocky Mountain News,11/30/97)



    1. 七岁女孩,动过几次脑瘤手术后并无起色,在医院中对她周围的人大发脾气。

    2. reduced to… 作“陷入”(一种情景),在此不作“缩减”(指物体、数字等)解。

    3. lashing out 是不及物动名词+副词,作“痛加斥责”解。lashing out通常后随at, 引出受斥责之人或事。

    3. butt-fuck(er)(指男性)不受欢迎的人、讨厌鬼;从事鸡奸者,鸡奸那桩事

    A. I don’t like your looks,butt-fuck.


    B. Wanna1 make something out of it? Let’s step outside2.



    1. wanna 即 Do you want to…?的口语。

    2. Let’s step outside 到外头去,隐喻“要打架”。

    A. When she found out that he paid a guy $100 for a butt-fuck1, she left him.



    1. butt-fuck 鸡奸的行为,是名词短语。在此处无骂人或轻视之意。

    4. butthead 蠢货

    A. LEWINSKY1:… We’re getting off2,and I’m like,all right,“I love you,butthead.” I called him butthead.


    B. TRIPP:You didn’t.


    A. LEWINSKY:I did.

    (The Dallas Morning News,10/3/98)



    1. 摘录该报转载之电讯(excerpts from wire reports)中莱温斯基与友人之电话录音(克林顿总统被弹劾案所发表的 Lewinsky-Tripp taped telephone conversations)。

    2. getting off 指“即将结束电话对话”。get off 另有“下车”,“说(笑话)”,“使……达到高潮”,“偷窃”,“成功”,“别批评(折腾,骚扰)……”,“使……惊喜”(to thrill,delight)等多种解释。

    5. butthole 愚蠢无能的人,卑鄙可恶的人

    A. (One teacher to another)I heard kids on the playground call each other“butthole”.


    B. I’ve heard it too. Parents say they picked it up from a TV cartoon show.


    6. buttwipe 无赖者,卑躬屈膝者,可恶的人

    A. Both1 attempt to copy NYPD’s2 colorful language (“What a yellow piece of phlegm!” Grey’s3 Morita4 says of Coburn;“For generally being a total buttwipe5,you have the right to shut up!” a Green6 cop barks7)and wind up sounding more like Beavis and Butt-head8.

    (Entertainment Weekly,6/24/94)

    两个[节目]试图模仿NYPD富有色彩的对白(灰狗的莫利达对寇本说:“你这一口黄颜色的黏痰!”;绿海豚巡逻区的警员喝道:“你一向是个无赖汉,你有权利闭嘴”!),到最后,与 Beavis和Butt-head 那个调调无异。


    1. both 指当时两个新推出的警员电视节目。

    2. NYPD为NYPD Blue的简写,是以纽约市警察局为题材的电视影集。Blue是警察服装的颜色。

    3. Grey 即Greyhounds(灰狗)的简称,喻戏中白发的主角。

    4. Morita,Coburn 莫氏演警察,寇氏扮坏人。

    5. for generally being a total buttwipe是since you are generally a total buttwipe句子的短语化。介词之后不能用谓语动词(predicate verb),名词从句例外,所以用gerund的being来表达。

    6. Green 系Green Dolphin Beat的简称。Beat此处当名词,指警察的巡逻区。

    7. bark 如恶犬吠叫般“说话”。

    8. Beavis and Butt-head 在美国红极一时的低俗卡通电视影集,两个男主角是迎合青少年趣味的捣蛋鬼。


    A. Get a firm,sexy buttfast.1(exercises for toning the buttock, quadriceps,and hamstring muscles…)

    (Redbook 杂志,2/1/98)




    A. Doctors examining patients for prostate cancer usually insert a gloved finger up your butthole to feel if the gland is enlarged or not.


    A. He just stood there in the shadows,with a butt dangling from his lips.


    Butt 相关之字汇——当形容词

    1. butt-ugly 极丑的

    A. (at a dance) What do you think of the two girls sitting across the dance floor?


    B. The one on the right is nice. The other is a butt-ugly bitch.


    A. I should be at the dance… But instead I’m sitting out here freezing my ass off1 in some butt-ugly red Mustang.2

    (Dream a Little Dream(1989)影片中的对白)



    1. freezing my ass off 发愣。此处freezing是现在分词,与sitting对照,是and I freeze…的节约表达方式。

    2. Mustang 是福特公司70年代风行一时的车种。

    2. save-your-butt 有撑腰的、庇护的、有后援的

    A. So why is it that1 some companies seem to attract more go-to guys2 than the competition? My barber figures that the go-to guys thrive on competition but are stifled by internal save-your-butt politics.

    (Electronic Engineering Times,7/21/97)



    1. So why is it that…? 何以会这样……?

    2. go-to guys 以“找他们去”喻“有干劲、有效率、能解决问题及完成任务的人”(men who are problem solvers and who get the job done)。

    Butt 相关之字汇——当动词

    1. butt-cover 掩护、保护

    A. …if the FBI is looking into questionable practices on the eBay1 website,the Securities & Exchange Commission2… will butt-cover3… by looking into whether anyone has been pumping eBay’s stock full of air4.




    1. eBay 易趣,是新成立的诸多电商(web stores)之一。该公司股票上市后股价曾在一天内猛涨美金一百元,引起有关当局的注意。

    2. Securities and Exchange Commission 美国证券交易委员会,于 1934年设立,负责监督企业发行或出售证券,并要求企业在未发行证券前先呈报证券公开发行细节。证交委亦统管(regulates)证券市场、经纪商及证券交易行。

    3. butt-cover 保护,隐喻“自家都管不好,由联邦调查局着手调查,有何脸面”?

    4. pumping…full of air 此处借“压缩唧筒……加满空气”喻“买空卖空”。

    2. butt fuck 鸡奸,牺牲、受骗,供作牺牲品

    A. Men with proclivities to butt fuck have been warned by the health authorities of the dangers of viral infections.


    A. Butt-fucked1 again! Three guys in my section get promoted, and I get passed over.



    1. Butt-fucked 此字是动词过去分词,“被牺牲掉”。句中的get=be的功用,但比be有力。上句Butt fuck是名词。

    A. Been1 butt-fucked by car repair shops so many times,you’d think I’d have learned a lesson.



    1. Been 是I have been的口语简化,正式文字不可这样。

    3. butt in 插嘴,闯入,管闲事

    A. Who asked you to butt in? You’ll get your turn to speak!


    A. It’s not very polite to butt in on other people’s affairs.


    4. butt into 巧遇

    A. Guess who1 I butt into on the subway this morning?



    1. who 在口语中who也代替whom。

    5. butt out 走开,离去

    A. He finished his coffee,stood up,and told me it was time to butt out.


    A. Butt out!Can’t you see I’m on the phone?


    Butt 当副词时——有“极、特、很”之意

    1. butt crazy 极疯狂地

    A. I am totally butt crazy in love with Josh1.




    1. Josh 男子名,为Joshua的昵称。《圣经·旧约》有《约书亚记》(The Book of Joshua)。

    Butt 的短语举隅

    1. bust one’s butt 卖力,卖命地做;使……烦恼不已

    “Compliments from my father were few and far between1,” says Carlton2.“It was a motivating factor for all of us just to receive some sign of approval. He had a hard view of sports. He wouldn’t tolerate people who didn’t bust their butts,no matter if it was just a pickup game3.”

    (Sports Illustrated,2/26/90)



    1. few and far between 以“很少有,且间隔很远的”喻“甚少”。

    2. Carlton Fisk Carlton是名,Fisk是姓。当年42岁的Fisk任芝加哥白袜职业棒球队(Chicago White Sox)的捕手。

    3. pickup game 多指校园或公园内球场上临时凑合的非正式球赛。

    A. Here’s a problem that guys of our generation1 suffered while we were in high school—and it’s still busting our butts to this day: Fathers and sons lie to each other. You bet we do. Maybe not directly but through evasion and omission.

    (Men’s Health杂志,6/1/98)



    1. guys of our generation 指1970’s(现多写为1970s)年代出生的美国男人。

    2. cover someone’s butt 掩饰、转移目标,庇护……,作……后援

    A. “I’m not too pleased. I think President Clinton is doing it1 to cover his butt with the Monica Lewinsky thing.”

    (The Atlanta Journal and Constitution 日报,2/9/98)



    1. doing it 指在绯闻案正热闹时发动空袭伊拉克。本文系该报一读者接受民调时,对克林顿此举所表示的看法。

    A. The Eagles,on the other hand,have a completely different team attitude,derived for the most part from their four years under Rich Kotite1. Kotite’s individual attitude became the team attitude,which is individual survival or cover your butt—blame losses on somebody else.

    (The Philadelphia Tribune,9/22/95)



    1. Kotite 寇泰,出任费城鹰队(Eagles)职业橄榄球队的总教练达四年之久。

    3. kick butt 痛打,痛宰

    A. Looks like the visiting team is ready to kick butt.


    B. Let them try. Our guys trained really hard. We’re pumped1,and ready to have at it2.



    1. pumped 借“用唧筒打气”喻“充满斗志”。

    2. have at it 攻击,猛扑。

    4. kiss my butt 去你的,呸!

    A. “It’s a violent damn game1. If people don’t like it so be it.” Lloyd2 vows never to change his playing style. “They can kiss my(butt) because I’m going to play the game like it’s supposed to be played.”

    (The Sporting News,10/9/95)



    1. game 指美式职业橄榄球。

    2. Lloyd 属匹兹堡钢人队(Pittsburg Steelers)的球员。他因粗鲁地扑杀对方的四分卫(quarterback),被罚$12,000而不服气。

    A. People shonld not spend so much time stressing themselves out1 over physical appearance. We should always try and look our best,but never worry that our best is not good enough for others. You work with the hand you’ve been dealt2. If that’s not good enough for someone,tell them they can kiss your butt.

    (University Wire,10/15/98)



    1. stressing themselves out 自讨苦吃,是现在分词短语,over physical appearance是副词功用,意义为“为了对……关心”。stressed out for months or years(经年累月操劳过度);另stressed-out当形容词,也是“操劳过度的”之意,如He feels stressed-out at the office. (他在办公室感到操劳过度。)

    2. You work with the hand you’ve been dealt. 美国打牌用语,也是成语。意思是“来什么牌就打什么牌,没法改”。

    5. kiss someone’s butt 露骨地拍马屁,卑躬屈膝

    A. You know,I’m a voter. Aren’t you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt?1




    1. 此话是对一位政客说的,语带讽刺。

    6. save one’s butt 救急

    A. This isn’t a place1 where a smiling ranger will happen by and save your butt from the consequences of carelessness.




    1. place 指美西犹他州境内有一悬崖峻严的国家公园。

    7. work one’s butt off 卖力,效命

    A. “Foster a leaning environment.1 Don’t just shove a decision down our throats2. Listen to what we have to say and then,if you think our ideas won’t work,explain to us why not. If yon don’t talk down to3 us,we’ll work our butts off for you, guaranteed.”




    1. 一位Generation Xer(1970年代出生者)的女性对上司和老板的要求与建议。

    2. shove a decision down our throats (俗语)强迫我们遵守决定。

    3. talk down to… 对下属说话,摆出一副高高在上的姿态。

      上一篇:细说英语粗话:19. Bum 下一篇:细说英语粗话:21. Cheapskate


