19. Bum
bum 屁股,吃闲饭者,游手好闲者,懒鬼,游民,瘪三,吊儿郎当的运动员,热衷休闲活动者,劣等的,廉价的,坏了的,错误的,假的,行乞,讨,央求,搭便车,赋闲
bumfuck 可憎恨的人,白痴,卑鄙家伙
two-bit bum 不足挂齿的懒鬼
stumble bum 笨手笨脚的人
beach bum 热衷海滩活动者
bummer 令人不快的经验
bummed out 失望的,忧郁的,悲伤的,沮丧的
bum around 闲待着,闲荡着,四处游荡
on the bum 酒喝得醉醺醺的,既无固定住所且无收入,不能令人满意的,坏的,受伤的
Bum 自十九世纪中期始见于美国文献,可当名词、动词、形容词。当名词,作“屁股”解时,美国文献中例子不少,指“吃闲饭者”谓逃避工作、无固定收入者,与 vagrant同义;作“起不了作用的人”解,常指庸官政客、球赛裁判、企业领导人等之表现平庸者;beach bum 在海滩上度日者,有褒贬二义,请看例句;bummer令人不快或不舒服的经验,如 I had diarrhea for a whole week. A bummer!(我一连七天拉肚子,真不舒服!)。Bum当形容词时,作“受伤未痊愈的”或“残障的”(身体部位,如腿、胳膊、膝部、手腕、心脏等)及“没价值的、不好的、假的”解,如 bum advice(馊建议)、a bum check (空头支票)、a bum deal(不利的一笔交易)、 a bum rap(误判)等;bummed out 作“失望的、沮丧的”解,如 Her boyfriend died in a car crash. She was bummed out for days. (她男友车祸丧生,使她沮丧多日);也作“生气”解,请看例句。另 on the bum 是形容词短语,如 He’s been on the bum for two years already.(他既居无定所,又无收入已有两年了);如后随副词around,
Bum 用以——骂人,贬人,损人
1. bum 流浪汉、吃闲饭的人、饭桶
A. …and the checkout man said,“You bum,you thief,these what You’re looking for?” and held up a toothbrush and the toothpaste.“You’re lucky we don’t hold you for the cops…”
(The Literary Review,2/1/97)
摘录自 Stephen Dixon著“Gould at the Market”一文。
A. Partly because of beach volleyball’s1 reputation for rowdiness, Jon Stevenson’s dad wouldn’t let him hang out2 at the sand courts when he was in junior high school in Manhattan Beach3 in the early ’70s. “There was a stigma attached to those guys,” Stevenson says. “Some people saw them as bums, party animals, malcontents.”
(USA Today,6/5/96)
1. beach volleyball 沙滩排球,通常是一队两个人打的。
2. hang out 此处作在某处“逗留,流连忘返”解;另有“在外头”之意,如 Let it all hang out是“让(心情、感受等)表露无遗”。
3. Manhattan Beach 美国加州南部一社区。
A. I want this no-face character dead and I want Tracy1 dead. What’s the matter,you bums forgotten2 how to kill people?
(Dick Tracy(1990/1)影片中的对白)
1. Dick Tracy 美国警探卡通人物。Dick也是男人名字 Richard 的昵称,又是“警探”的俗语,以 Tracy 为姓,是 trace (跟踪,追踪,探查)的双关语。此乃卡通人物拍成电影之例,其他的有超人(Superman)、蝙蝠侠(Batman)等。
2. you bums forgotten 即 have you bums forgotten 的口语简化。
A. You don’t understand. I coulda1 had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody,instead of a bum,which is what I am,let’s face it.
(On the Waterfront(1954)影片中的对白)
1. coulda 即说快的could have。文中此类过去完成时乃过去虚拟语气,与事实相反。
A. That’s another that the ref1 ruled a foul2.
B. He must be blind! Throw the bum out!
1. ref 裁判,即 referee的简写。
2. rule a foul rule (vt.)是法院或裁判的裁定、判决。此处foul指在拳击比赛中“违规的打击”。另棒球有 foul ball(界外球)。
A. The team has lost six in a row1. A bunch of bums,that’s what they are。
1. in a row 连续地,成一排地,是副词短语。
2. bumfuck 白痴,可憎可恨的人,卑鄙无耻的家伙
A. Hey,bumfuck,you don’t light up1 at a gas station.
1. light up 点燃香烟,也作“变得欢欣”,“挽救”,“点燃”,“轻松点!”,如 Her face lights up when her boyfriend calls. (她的男友打电话来时,她满脸笑容。)You light up my life. (你是我的太阳。)另有 lighten up!(轻松点!)是劝人别太严肃。
A. Some bumfuck stole my car keys.
B. Can I give you a lift1 home?
1. give…a lift 给(某人)搭车,送人一程;也作“助人一臂之力”解。
3. two-bit bum 令人不屑的流浪汉
A. Rudy Giuliani1 has no business denying a two-bit2 bum like Khalid3 a parade permit,thus pitting him against4 Thomas Jefferson5.
(Daily News,9/7/98)
1. Giuliani 朱利安尼,当时任纽约市市长。
2. two-bit (俚)值(区区)美金二角五分钱的。
3. Khalid 卡利得,据报称,他是黑人权利激进分子,申请举办百万青年游行许可证时,因过去演讲有挑衅种族言词(race-baiting language),唯恐酿成骚动,而被市政府拒绝。
4. thus pitting him against… 这样一来,可与……媲美,是现在分词短语,上面的事项是 pitting 的逻辑主语。
5. Jefferson 杰弗逊,美国第三任总统,一生标榜言论自由。
4. stumble bum 糊涂的人或事
A. We1 don’t know if the stumble-bum staff management policies the Cracker Barrel chain2 appears to embrace3 are a good thing or a bad thing. Apparently,Penny’s not impressed4 and took it upon herself5 to do something about it.
(Capital Times(Madison,WI),1/3/98)
1. we 文中四位餐厅评审员谈谈餐厅员工服务不周的问题。
2. Cracker Barrel chain 在美国的饼干桶连锁餐厅。
3. appears to embrace 指现在所接纳的(政策)。
4. Penny’s not impressed 该餐厅女侍潘妮不受感动,喻“不赞成”。
5. took it upon herself 她揽到自己身上,自行应付食客对服务不满之指责。
Bum 当名词,作“屁股、个人自称、在下、阁下、他老兄”解
A. I actually saw a guy drop his drawers and bare1 his bum right on the subway.
B. I heard about the practice. It’s called“mooning”.
A. He was probably on drugs2 or drunk.
1. saw a guy 可后跟动词原形drop…及bare…,作宾语 a guy 的补语。
2. on drugs 是成语,“犯毒瘾”之意,形容词功能。
A. Ain’t no place1 for a kid. Get your bum outta2 here,now!
B. Can’t I just have a peek?
1. Ain’t no place… 主语This/That/It省略,此处是双重否定,为教育程度低的美国人常用,是This isn’t a place for…的口语化。
2. outta 即说快了的 out of。
Bum 当名词——跟随 beach,ski,tennis 等运动或休闲活动时,作“对……有狂热”(an obsessive enthusiast of a sport or activity)解。bummer 是令人不快或不舒服的经验
1. beach bum 海滩浪子
A. Beach bums eat,drink and sleep volleyball.
A. People who hung around on Southern California beaches in those days1-volleyballers,surfers,body buiders—were among the first groups in postwar America to become known for2 openly displaying a disdain for authority and the American work ethic3 … the folks on the beach weren’t much interested in family values. They were sometimes called beach bums.
1. in those days 指1950年代。
2. become (is) known for 以……出名,become在此为 linking verb,同 be一样,但意义有点不同。for…可后随名词或动名词短语,如 He became known for his philanthropy. (他的善行已众所周知。) She became known for displaying courage in the face of hardship (她面对艰难有勇气是众所皆知的);He is known for his impressionist paintings. (他以画印象派画而出名。)
3. American work ethic 美国式的劳动伦理或价值观,即“要勤奋,对工作要有责任感”。
A. …a writer to a local weekly newspaper described Falkenstien—and the alliance1—as “downtrodden beach bums”,“rats”,“rebels without a clue” and “misguided misfits”. The letter also said:“They should be run out of town by every resident that loves the South Bay.”
1. Falkenstien 法肯斯丁系环保激进分子,与志同道合者组织联盟(alliance),兴讼阻止在当地社区海滩举行海滩排球大赛,使大赛移军他区,致当地商店门可罗雀,而遭读者投稿严厉指责。
A. …Texas received a “beach bum” designation from a national environmental organization critical of the state’s limited monitoring of coastal waters.
(The Dallas Morning News—Associated Press,8/5/98)
A. Rusty’s1 regular customers are a denim-clad and Dockers2 kind of crowd that likes draft beer and fries with burgers.We’re talking honest-to-goodness3 beach bums4 here.
1. Rusty’s 美国加州南部圣玛妮卡市一海边餐厅。
2. Dockers 系美国 Levi 服装工厂制品。
3. honest-to-goodness 地道的,真正的,可做形容词及副词用。
4. beach bum 此处显无贬意,只是一种戏称。
A. … But because I am an avid beach bum. I took selfish pleasure in the more people were diving,the fewer there were on the beach. Even with nearly 200 guests on this small 100-acre island1,I often had entire beaches to myself.
(The Dallas Morning News,5/17/98)
1. 文中主角谈去马尔代夫群岛(Maldives)旅行的观感。此处 beach bum亦无贬意。
2. fish bum 以钓鱼为乐的人
A. A fishbum is not a guide,although many start out as one. A fishbum is not a dilettante. A fishbum is a person who creates a life’s work,an oeuvre1,with fishing at its core….
(Sports Afield,6/1/94)
1. oeuvre 终身事业,专业。
3. ski bum 热衷于滑雪者
A. “There are very few ski bums anymore,” Mrs.Nockles said. That’s not entirely true,says Christopher “Topher” Guertin,a 21-year-old ski instructor.“The ski bum is alive and well,” he said. Mr.Guertin is living proof. He dropped out after studying English for 1 1/2 years at the University of Vermont… “I wasn’t passionate about going to school.” Skiing was a different story. “It’s my passion—what I live for,”… It’s more of a lifestyle for me,”he said.
(Albany Times Union,1/4/98)
1. ski bum 尤指穿梭各滑雪度假山庄,以边做临时工边滑雪自娱的年轻男士。另有golf bum(高尔夫球狂),tennis bum(网球狂)等。
4. bummer 令人不快、不舒服的经验,扫兴
A. I had to work three straight weekends to get that project finished.
B. Bummer!
Bum 当形容词——有“残废的”(disabled),“没价值的、不好的、不公的、不利的,假的、错误的”;bummed out有“生气的、忧郁的、沮丧的”之意
1. bum 残废的、无价值的、假的、不公平的、错误的
A. That car accident gave me a bum leg.
A. He listened to some bum advice,and lost his shirt1 in the stock market.
1. lose one’s shirt 因赌博而输得精光。
A. After passing hundreds of bum checks,they finally got caught.
A. From bonanza to bum deal? To date,the average Social Security1 beneficiary has enjoyed a positive “return” on payroll taxes2 paid into the system. Twenty-first century retirees,however,will get back less than they put in.
(U.S. News & World Report,4/20/98)
1. Social Security 指美国总统罗斯福于1935年推动的老人退休福利金制度。beneficiary 指领取社福金的受益者。
2. payroll taxes 指缴给联邦政府社福金信托基金(Social Security Trust Fund)的薪资税捐。据估计,该基金到2012年将开始入不敷出,到2029年将会破产,故有上说。
A. Whites grouse that affirmative action1 has given them a bum deal;blacks complain they still can’t get a fair shake.
(The Dallas Morning News,11/14/97)
1. affirmative action 系1960年代美国黑人公民权利运动的产物。依法规定,在求职雇用、学校教育、承包合同(contracting decisions)等方面,少数民族和妇女要受到特别照顾(special consideration)。
A. Some death-row prisoners claim they got a bum rap.
B. DNA testing has been proven effective in exonerating a few of them.
A. How many investor dollars are lost at the expense of bum tips and erroneous data?
2. bummed out 生气,茫然沮丧(形容词短语,与be,get,leave,make连用)
A. Sandy was just teasing you. No need to get bummed out.
A. A life of drugs and alcohol left her bummed out. She often contemplated suicide.
B. There are support groups for people like that. Suicide is never an option.
On the Bum 过无业游民的生活
A. Ever since he lost this job he’s been on the bum.
B. Not being able to find work1 is tough on some people.
1. not being able to find work 是动名词短语(gerundial phrase),当主语用。因为要配合形容词able,故要用be的动名词being形态,注意不是现在分词(present participle)。
Bum 当动词时——行乞,忧郁、沮丧,使烦恼、困扰;bum around 指“偷懒,赋闲,孵豆芽”;bum out 释为“使烦恼,困扰(irk,annoy),受激怒(irritated),忧郁、沮丧”
1. bum,bumming 乞讨,沮丧,困扰;赋闲
A. In our Air Force unit,there was this guy who was always bumming cigarettes and asking for small loans.
B. I know the type. They never seem to be able to pay you back.
A. The General Media1 automotive group employs about 40 people and most employees in the company’s offices were worried that they will soon be out of jobs. “We’re bumming,” said one insider at the General Media titles2.
1. General Media 通用媒体公司,当时已决定割让其旗下汽车杂志群。
2. titles 指其刊物名称,共有四种。
A. One woman brought a 2-year old boy who halfway into the trip began throwing temper tantrums. That bummed everybody on the bus.
A. What’s Erik doing these days?
B. He’s between jobs. Just bumming.
2. bum around 赋闲
A. Ponyboy:… if you had the sense of a billy goat1,you’d clean your house up ’stead2 of bumming ’round3 ours.
(The Outsiders(1983)影片中的对白)
1. had the sense of a billy goat (俚)借“雄山羊的常识”来喻“稍明事理”,是现在的虚拟句式,用过去简单式动词。
2. ’stead 系 instead 的口语简化。
3. ’round 系 around 的口语简化。
3. bum out 使失望、忧郁、沮丧:使激怒、烦恼(anger or annoy);考砸(学生用语:“考试成绩不及格或太差”)
A. Flunking that French Literature exam1 bummed her out.
B. It was tough. I barely passed myself.
1. Flunking… “考法国文学不及格”之事,又是动名词短语,当主语用。
A. (one editor to another) Spelling errors and grammar mistakes get on my nerves.
B. What really bums me out is when writers keep making the same dumb mistakes over and over.
A. If I bum out on my math final,my uncle says he won’t take me to London this summer.