25. Cretin
cretin 可憎的人,注定失败的人,不会办事的人,白痴,呆子,俗气的人,感觉迟钝的人
Cretin此字被认为是损人的俚语(offensive slang)。当名词时,字义为“患发育不良的白痴症(cretinism)者”;当形容词时,指“错误的”,“愚蠢的”。因语气损人,正式社交场所不宜使用。
Cretin 当名词——贬人
1. cretin 可憎的人,不会办事的人,愚蠢的人,俗气的人,感觉迟钝的人
A. Call me1 haughty,but if you return from Madrid2 with nothing more than3 a bullfight poster,photos of the Plaza Mayor4, and pilfered towels from the Ritz-Carlton5 then you are a cretin and don’t deserve the opportunity to travel.
1. 该报旅游观光专栏记者撰文,讥讽为了旅游而旅游的人。
2. Madrid 西班牙首都马德里。
3. nothing more than 除了……一无所有。
4. Plaza Mayor 指马德里市中心的梅雅广场,是观光名胜之地。
5. Ritz-Carlton 指丽兹·卡尔顿观光旅馆。
A. Do Dork1 guests bother you with their nasty name-calling2 of everyone in sight? Ever3 tossed in your two cents4 only to become the focus of this twisted cretin’s5 entire 6-word vocabulary?
1. Dork 附有电子邮件的网站站名。
2. name calling 辱骂。They are calling each other names.(他们在互相辱骂。)
3. Ever 即have you ever的口语化。
4. Toss in(Put in)your two cents(worth) “请对这事表示你的意见”,是美国人的口语,两分钱是象征“一点看法”。
5. this twisted cretin 指某不受欢迎的访客。
A. Documentation that has been obsessively dumbed down1,to the point where only a cretin could bear to read it,is said to have succumbed to the “drool-proof paper syndrome2”…. For example, this is an actual quote from Apple Computer’s Laser Writer manual:“Do not expose your Laser Writer to open fire or flame.”
1. be obsessively dumbed down 使太过平庸。按此风在美国工商及教育等界方兴未艾,唯恐读者看不懂内容,尽量降低其复杂性,避免咬文嚼字,以便最低教育程度的人都能看懂。此举常引起知识分子的讥讽。
2. drool-proof paper syndrome 无咬文嚼字毛病的文件。
Cretin 变形容词时
1. cretinous 愚蠢的,错误的
A. The ongoing annoyance of a campaign is that some incredibly cretinous person is saying bad things about you,saying that despite all the wonderful things you have done for your district and your country,the voters would be wise to replace you with him or her.
(Minneapolis Star Tribune,10/14/98)
A. “I1 like coming out2 and flinging this in people’s faces3,”he continues,“People need to be shocked out of this cretinous attitude that if you don’t (play conventional instruments)it’s not real music.”
1. 文中主角是二十八岁的电脑歌曲家艾德华兹(Mike Edwards)。
2. come out 此处借“出来”作“登台”解。文中coming out是动名词短语,作宾语用。
3. flinging this in people’s faces 以“扔到人的脸上”喻“面对听众演奏”。