36. Wack
wack 行为或言语之离谱、不正常、怪诞者
wacko 疯子,狂徒,怪异的,不正常的
wacky 荒唐的,古怪的
wacky idea 馊主意,乱出的点子
wackiness 古怪的状态或性质
wackily 怪异地,不正常地
1. Wack 怪人,狂徒
A. Let me say first,I have respect for the sincere death-penalty opponents,although,like some crazy right-wing causes,they attract a fair share of wacks.
(N.Y. Post,6/8/98)
2. wacko 疯子,狂徒
A. The bomber1 was a wacko who hated the federal government and especially the agency whose work was done in the building2. A wacko who felt shut out of our democracy and who despaired of a political solution to his real and imagined grievances. A wacko who shamed those who also had grievances with the government but who had chosen to use the processes of democracy to seek redress.
(Minneapolis Star Tribune,5/7/95,读者来信)
1. bomber 掷弹者,指一名反越战分子,于8/24/70投掷炸弹,造成一死及六百万美金的损失。
2. agency…the building 指威斯康辛州立大学麦迪逊分校陆军数学研究中心(Army Mathematics Research Center, U.of Wisconsin campus at Madison)。
wuss out 当动词——变成胆小鬼
A. Listen up.About all the component suppliers know is what you component customers tell them. If Your forecasts1 are wacko, theirs will by[sic]2 wacko with a munltiplier (the number of customers). It’s important that you check your numbers3 well and soberly,and don’t get too greedy about your share of the unknown4.
(Electronic Buyer News,11/1/96)
1. forecasts 指采购商对新年采购数量的预测。
Wuss一字是由“wimp”(弱夫) 和“pussy”(小猫/胆小者)二字加以整合而成的,广为美国青少年损其同辈时用之。Wuss可当名词或动词。当名词时,指“懦夫、胆小鬼”或自贬,亦可作集合名词(不加冠词)。当动词时,wuss作“骂……为胆小鬼”解;加副词out则为“变成胆小鬼,成为胆小鬼”之意。wuss虽语带轻蔑,尚不粗俗,但正式社交场所可否使用,应视情形而定。
3. numbers 指采购数量。
4. the unknown 在形容词前加the,使成为代名词“不知道的东西”,“不知道的数量”。
A. Someday, local firefighters may torch their hair to practice hook-and-ladder drills. Until then, watching Blues1 management at work2 is almost as entertaining “It looks wacko,” Blues President Jack Quinn said,“but it is not wacko.”
(St.Louis Post-Dispatch,3/15/94)
1. Blues 指St.Louis Blues professional hockey team(圣路易·布鲁斯职业冰球队)。
2. at work 指其非传统的操兵方式。
3. wacky 荒唐的
A. Some brave Russian souls jump into a river for a swim in the middle of winter.
B. Sounds wacky to me.
A. That was a wacky movie.
B. I’d like to see it again.
Wacky 加后缀-nsss成名词Wackiness,表示“荒唐的状态、性质、程度”
A. His wackiness got him a job as a clown in the circus.
scuzzbucket 卑鄙龌龊的人,不正当的小人
B. Whatever floats his boat1.
1. Whatever floats his boat. (格言)原意为“只要船能浮起来”,在此转喻“他喜欢就好”。
Wacky 加后缀-ly成副词Wackily,表示“奇形怪状地”、“过分地”、“异常地”
A. He started his NASCAR2 career at Darlington3 in 1978 and scored his first Winston Cup4 victory at the tough,wackily shaped oval in 1980.
(Gannett News Service,3/21/96)
1. 文中男主角勒班特(Terry Labonte)乃原装车赛车驾驶人。所谓“原装车”指装上大量装配于生产线车辆基本底盘上者(a car with the basic chassis of a commercially-produced assembly-line model)。
2. NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing),乃“美国全国原装车赛车协会”,于1947年成立,总部设在佛罗里达州。每年监督举办被认可之原装车比赛三十余场,赛季自二月到十一月。
3. Darlington 指位于南卡罗来纳州(South Carolina)的赛车场。
4. Winston Cup 系车赛系列名称,由烟草公司R. J. Reynolds于1971所设。赛季采积分制,获最高总分者可赢得冠军杯及大笔奖金。
A. Ettore Sottsass, 73, is an independent designer who started working for Olivetti1 some 30 years ago and who,in the early 1980s,founded Memphis,a school of design known for2 its wildly colorful and wackily shaped furniture.
1. Olivetti 意大利欧利维提公司,于1911由43岁的Camillo Olivetti设立,产品系列包括打字机、电脑等办公电器及通讯器材。
2. known for 是……is known for…“以什么而闻名”,文中没有 be动词,是呈补语的修饰功能,省去了句子。
A. Robin Williams:Unsurprisingly,Mr.Zany’s2 tastes veer toward the childlike,sure,he’s been seen sporting suits,but they tend toward the wackily proportioned,primary-colored creations of Japanese designers.
1. 文中谈论电影谐星威廉斯等名人对服装的口味。
2. Mr. Zany 丑角先生,揶揄其多演令人捧腹的丑角角色。
A. ABC2 AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL(ABC, TV-PG3) Morgan Fairchild stars in the comedy “Teenage Confidential” about a pair of wackily overprotective parents and the daughter they put under surveillance. (R)4
(Entertainment Weekly,8/15/97)
本文主角在参加当年美国加州圣迭戈外海举行的美国杯艇赛时,其自驾的新船上的三角帆轨道(jib track)松脱,被迫而退出比赛。
1. 摘录该刊八月十四日下午四点至五点档(time slot)节目的简介。在美国,此段时间正逢放学时。
2. ABC美国广播公司成立于1943年,现隶属迪士尼企业(Walt Disney)旗下。
3. PG 为Parental Guidance的缩写,是指导父母如何带领子女的建议性节目。PG级的节目不适合小孩子单独观看,应有家长陪同。
4. (R) 是“Restricted”(限制级)的符号,指节目内容不适合美国17岁以下的青年人及儿童观赏。
A. Michael Finley1 took a shot from the left baseline2 that caromed wackily off the rim and landed out of bounds.
(The Dallas Morning News,3/10/97)
1. Finley 芬利为达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks)职业篮球队球员。
2. baseline 指球场四周的底线。