“What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient, but restless mind, of sacrificing one’s ease or vanity, of uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.”
— Charles Victor Cherbuliez, Novelist
「有助运气的习惯包括时时留意机会、保持有耐性但求变的心、牺牲舒适与自负、同时着重细节与远见,及勇敢且乐观的渡过困难时刻。」– 查理斯‧维克多‧舍尔比利埃 (法国小说家)
restless (adj.) 静不下来的,得不到满足的。例:After a month in the countryside, I grew restless and decided to leave. (待在乡村一个月后,我感到焦躁不安而决定离开。) vanity (n.) 自负,自我。例:She has none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful girls. (她没有常在漂亮女生身上看到的自负。) foresight (n.) 远见,先见之明。例:an example of the government’s lack of foresight. (政府缺乏远见的一个例子。)
查理斯‧维克多‧舍尔比利埃 (1829-1899) 是法国小说家,法国学术权威机构 – 法兰西学术院的院士之一,他的笔法生气且直率,具有世界观且幽默风趣,在国际间受到青睐,他在 1870 年获颁「法国荣誉勋位勋章」。