“Diligence is the mother of good fortune, and idleness – its opposite – never led to good intention’s goal.”
— Miguel de Cervantes, Writer
「勤勉是幸运之母,它的相反 – 闲怠,从未引领人达到目标。」– 米格尔‧德赛凡提斯 (文学作家)
diligence (n.) 勤勉,勤奋;diligent (adj.)。fortune (n.) 命运。例:She has the good fortune to work with such a brilliant mind. (她有幸能与这样聪明的人一起工作。) idleness (n.) 空闲,怠懈;idle (adj.)。intention (n.) 意图,目的;good intention 无法达成的好意图。例:The Prime Minister is full of good intentions which can never be carried out. (首相有很多永远无法施行的好计划。)