点踩的都是什么心态? Witty Dislike Comments
Unless the owner disables the function, YouTube lets everyone see how many likes/dislikes a video has. On videos with mostly likes, people will often leave a comment "explaining" why the small number of people disliked the video. For instance, someone might comment "50k people got so hyped that they hit the dislike button by accident".
引用视频里的某句话 Quoting the Video
Don't have anything witty to say? Why not just take a quote from the video and paste it as your comment? This is a common sight. Whether it's because people are just lazy or because they want to garner as many pointless thumbs-up ratings as possible, we're not sure.
有谁是因为xxx来的吗? Anyone Else Here Because of...?
Here's another one you'll see on all sorts of videos. A music track featured in a video game, an original video referenced by a remixer, and similar ones always have comments like this. It's great that you're expanding your horizons like this, but you really don't need to let everyone know how you found the video.
我刚刚看了啥? What Did I Just Watch?
Similar to the "I'm in the weird part of YouTube again" comment, this one is another stale response. If the video really was weird, why not talk about what makes it so strange instead of leaving this bland remark?
表示自己宁愿临终时也在看这个视频 Your Final Moments
To express how much they love a video, you'll often see people leave a comment like these:
1.best hour of my life. 人生中最棒的一小时
2.I hope people didn't die watching this. 我希望看这条视频的人没因此故去
3.Doctor: You have one hour to live. 医生:你只有一小时可活了
Me: (Opens this video) 我:(打开了这条视频)
I don't know if watching a YouTube video would be in my short list of what to do in my final hours, but I think I'll need a doctor if I see another one of these comments.