教程:娱乐英语  浏览:936  
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    1. 猫咪冲厕器

    A Chinese man called Mr Bi has trained his cat to use his toilet. He spent seven years inventing the gadgets that allow his pet to flush away her mess. He now plans to sell his contraption to other cat owners.


    Car designer Sudhakar Yadav drives a car in the shape of a snooker table in Hyderabad, India. It has three wheels with a 150cc engine and it can run at a top speed of 45 kph.
    印度汽车设计师Sudhakar Yadav设计了这辆能边打桌球、边开的车,严格说来这是一辆三轮车,它的时速是每小时45公里。

    3. 透明吐司机

    Burned or underdone toast could soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new glass toaster that lets you see your bread as it browns.

    4. 狗语翻译器

    A Tomy employee poses with the Bowlingual Voice, a gadget that expresses dogs' emotions, at the annual Tokyo Toy Show. Tomy claim the gadget analyses a dog's voice through a wireless microphone attached to its collar and then displays its emotions.


    The first fish hotel has opened in Amsterdam. The hotel allows you to drop off your fish when you go on holiday and has a 'tennis court' and 'swimming pool'.

    6. 熊睡袋

    What better way to discourage bear attacks when camping in the woods than to make them think you've already been eaten by another bear? Artist EIko Ishizawa has created this sleeping bag for a warm and safe night's sleep.
    怎么才能在露营的时候避免被熊袭击呢?——最好的方法就是让熊以为你已经被另一只熊吃掉了!艺术家EIko Ishizawa发明了这种熊睡袋来保护露营者的安全。

    7. 眨眼睛的牛仔裤

    An American artist has created eye-opening trousers that wink at people as you walk. William Jones' 'Winkers' feature a pair of eyes that stare out from the wearer's buttocks.

    8. 沙发土豆专用裤

    A man demonstrates the Sunday Pants designed for couch potatoes - joggers with a detachable tablecloth and pockets for remote controls.

    9. 现实版剪刀手爱德华!

    Meet the real-life Edward Scissorhands. Valentino LoSauro cuts the hair of Shannan Stewart with his revolutionary Clawz, which he claims cut hair twice as fast as normal shears, in Fort Myers, Florida, USA. He spent two years developing his invention.
    美国福罗里达州的一名理发师Valentino LoSauro发明一种“剪发爪”,酷似电影《剪刀手爱德华》里的道具。他声称自己花了两年时间发明这项仪器,用它剪头发比普通剪刀快两倍。

    10. 手指U盘

    A computer programmer who lost his ring finger in a motorcycle accident has had it replaced with a USB drive. Jerry Jalava from Helsinki, Finland, has built the special prosthetic finger which he can peel back from the 'nail' and plug into the USB slot on.

      上一篇:“姚小明”牵动万千球迷(图) 下一篇:《阿凡达》唯美爱情被删情节大曝光


