教程:娱乐英语  浏览:1160  
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      杰克随着自己紧张的身体和奈特莉的零距离接触而来回震动. 终极亲密。






      “当我刚开始当你的老师时,我痛恨所有的外星人。但是你也教会了我一些东西” 她细语呢喃说:“灵魂才是一切。”

    If you think the Vatican hates Avatar now, just imagine how much they would have liked the original version of the movie that includedpre-marital tentacle sex! Now, fortunately, you can: The movie'sdeleted sex scene between Neytiri and Jake is included in James Cameron's full script, which 20th Century Fox has posted online. We've excerpted the relevant parts of the hookup below. Now might be a goodtime to break out that blue greasepaint, if only to obscure your blushing。


      He puts his face close to hers. She rubsher cheek against his. He kisses her on the mouth. They explore eachother. Then she pulls back, eyes sparkling。

      NEYTIRI Kissing is very good. But we have something better。

      She pulls him down until they are kneeling, facing each other on the faintly glowing moss. Neytiri takes the end of her queue and raises it.Jake does the same,with trembling anticipation. The tendrils at the ends move with a lifeof their own, straining to be joined. MACRO SHOT - The tendrils INTERTWINE with gentle undulations. JAKE rocks with the direct contactbetween his nervous system and hers. The ultimate intimacy。

      They come together into a kiss and sink down on the bed of moss, and ripples of light spread out around them. THE WILLOWS sway, withoutwind, and the night is alive with pulsing energy as we DISSOLVE TO -LATER. She is collapsed across his chest. Spent. He strokes her facetenderly。

      JAKE Neytiri, you know my real body is far away, sleeping。

      She raises up, placing her fingertips to his chest -

      NEYTIRI This body is real. (she touches his forehead) This spirit is real。

      Her eyes are luminous, honest, infinitely deep。

      NEYTIRI  When I was first your teacher, I hated all Sky People. But you have also taught me.  (whispering) Spirit is all that matters。

      She lays her head down, against his chest, listening to his heartbeat。

      NEYTIRI I am with you now, Jake. We are mated for life。

      JAKE We are?

      NEYTIRI  Yes. It is our way. (innocently) Oh. I forgot to tell?

      He rouses up, making her look at him。

      JAKE Really, we are?

      NEYTIRI We are。

      JAKE  It's cool. I'm there。

      He lays his head down, and her arms enfold him, sheltering him as he sleeps。

      上一篇:2009十大最囧发明 下一篇:《阿凡达》战胜《泰坦尼克》的六大原因


