A German dentist has come under fire for rejecting service to a 16-year-old Turkish boy on the basis of the child’s name: Cihad。
Cihad went to see a dentist in Donaueschingen, in the Southern State of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Germany. His name caught the attention of a female dentist, who asked him where his name comes from。The dentist was offended at the name "Cihad," which she understood as a declared war on all non-Muslims. She refused service to the boy, citing what she considered an inclination for violenc
德国南部巴符州的多瑙艾辛根市16岁的土耳其裔少年“圣战”日前去就医时,其名字含义引起女牙医注意。这名牙医还特地询问他,是否知道名字的含义。并且说,“圣战”是向所有非穆斯林信徒宣战,她不愿意给具有暴力倾向的人动手术。 最后,女牙医拒绝为他动手术。