WHO stole sleep from baby's eyes? I must know. |
谁从孩子的眼里把睡眠偷了去呢?我一定要知道。 |
Clasping her pitcher to her waist mother went to fetch water from the village near by. |
妈妈把她的水罐挟在腰间,走到近村汲水去了。 |
It was noon. The children's playtime was over; the ducks in the pond were silent. |
这是正午的时候,孩子们游戏的时间已经过去了;池中的鸭子沉默无声。 |
The shepherd boy lay asleep under the shadow of the banyan tree. |
牧童躺在榕树的荫下睡着了。 |
The crane stood grave and still in the swamp near the mango grove. |
白鹤庄重而安静地立在檬果树边的泥泽里。 |
In the meanwhile the Sleep-stealer came and, snatching sleep from baby's eyes, flew away. |
就在这个时候,偷睡眠者跑来从孩子的两眼里捉住睡眠,便飞去了。 |
When mother came back she found baby travelling the room over on all fours. |
当妈妈回来时,她看见孩子四肢着地地在屋里爬着。 |
Who stole sleep from our baby's eyes? I must know. I must find her and chain her up. |
谁从孩子的眼里把睡眠偷了去呢?我一定要知道。我一定要找到她,把她锁起来。 |
I must look into that dark cave, where, through boulders and scowling stones, trickles a tiny stream. |
我一定要向那个黑洞里张望,在这个洞里,有一道小泉从圆的有皱纹的石上滴下来。 |
I must search in the drowsy shade of the bakula grove, where pigeons coo in their corner, and fairies' anklets tinkle in the stillness of starry nights. |
我一定要到醉花①林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。 |
In the evening I will peep into the whispering silence of the bamboo forest, where fireflies squander their light, and will ask every creature I meet, "Can anybody tell me where the Sleep-stealer lives?" |
我要在黄昏时,向静静的萧萧的竹林里窥望,在这林中,萤火虫闪闪地耗费它们的光明,只要遇见一个人,我便要问他:“谁能告诉我偷睡眠者住在什么地方?” |
Who stole sleep from baby's eyes? I must know. |
谁从孩子的眼里把睡眠偷了去呢?我一定要知道。 |
Shouldn't I give her a good lesson if I could only catch her! |
只要我能捉住她,怕不会给她一顿好教训! |
I would raid her nest and see where she hoards all her stolen sleep. |
我要闯入她的巢穴,看她把所有偷来的睡眠藏在什么地方。 |
I would plunder it all, and carry it home. |
我要把它都夺来,带回家去。 |
I would bind her two wings securely, set her on the bank of the river, and then let her play at fishing with a reed among the rushes and water-lilies. |
我要把她的双翼缚得紧紧的,把她放在河边,然后叫她拿一根芦苇在灯心草和睡莲间钓鱼为戏。 |
When the marketing is over in the evening, and the village children sit in their mothers' laps, then the night birds will mockingly din her ears with: |
黄昏,街上已经收了市,村里的孩子们都坐在妈妈的膝上时,夜鸟便会讥笑地在她 耳边说: |
"Whose sleep will you steal now?" |
“你现在还想偷谁的睡眠呢?” |