教程:诗歌散文  浏览:830  
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    1. Spring Morning

    - by Meng Haoran (689-740) of Tang Dynasty (618-907)

    This spring morning in bed I'm lying,

    Not to awake till the birds are crying.

    After one night of wind and showers,

    How many are the fallen flowers?



    2. Written in a Village South of the Capital

    - by Cui Hu (772 - 846) of Tang Dynasty

    In this house on this day last year, a pink face vied

    In beauty with the pink peach blossoms side by side.

    I do not know today where the pink face has gone;

    In the vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full-blown.



    3. Happy Rain on a Spring Night (Excerpts)

    - by Du Fu (712-770) of Tang Dynasty

    Good rain knows its time right;

    It will fall when comes spring.

    With wind it steals in night;

    Mute, it moistens each thing.



    4. Dreaming of the Southern Shore

    - by Bai Juyi (772-846) of Tang Dynasty

    Fair Southern shore,

    With scenes I adore.

    At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,

    In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire,

    Which I can't but admire.



    5. Love Seeds

    - by Wang Wei (701-761) of Tang Dynasty

    Red berries grow in the southern land.

    How many load in spring the trees!

    Gather them till full is your hand;

    They would revive fond memories.

      上一篇:《先知》(The Prophet)告别 下一篇:仓央嘉措——见或不见(中英对照)

