The Dog
狗◎ Ba Jin
◎ 巴 金I used to be afraid of dogs when I was a child. One day during lunar new year, I remember, I happened to be chased after by a big black dog while I was playing about in the garden of Second Uncle's home. Fortunately, after running past several flower beds, I gave him the slip by rushing upstairs in a storeyed building, thus avoiding the mishap of having my legs bitten by the fierce animal.
小时候我害怕狗。记得有一回在新年里,我到二伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,跑过几块花圃。后来我上了洋楼,才躲过这一场灾难①,没有让狗嘴咬坏我的腿。From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer. He would bark furiously at the sight of me. And the more scared I was, the fiercer he became.
以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追②,而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠③。我愈怕,狗愈凶。I developed a canine phobia.
怕狗成了我的一种病④。As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. Hence instead of shying away in fear, I stood confronting him.
我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得⑤怕狗是很可耻的事情。看见狗我便站住,不再逃避⑥。I stood firm and so did he. He barked angrily with his mouth wide open as if he were about to run at me. But, nevertheless, he never moved a single step towards me.
我站住,狗也就站住。它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。但是它并不朝着我前进一步。He glowered at me, and so did I at him. But he always kept the same distance between us.
它用怒目看我,我便也用怒目看它。它始终保持着我和它中间的距离。After a time, the minute my back was turned he immediately followed in pursuit.
这样地过了一阵子,我便转身走了。狗立刻追上来。However, as I looked back he stopped right away and stood barking at me savagely, but dared not attack me.
我回过头。狗马上站住了。它望着我恶叫,却不敢朝我扑过来。Aha, he's now used up all his tricks! said I to myself, feeling much more emboldened. I stared at him scornfully, stamped my feet and shouted vicious abuse.
“你的本事不过这一点点⑦,”我这样想着,觉得胆子更大了。我用轻蔑的眼光看它,我顿脚,我对它吐出骂语。He backed up a few steps, it being his turn to show signs of inner fear. He kept barking but with reduced savagery.
它后退两步,这次倒是它露出了害怕的表情⑧。它仍然汪汪地叫,可是叫声却不像先前那样地“恶”了。Disgusted with the din of barks, I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it right at him.
我讨厌这种纠缠不清的叫声。我在地上拾起一块石子,就对准狗打过去。It hit him on the back. He let out a piteous cry apparently with pain and, before my second stone was to fall upon his head, quickly turned round to run away with the tail between the legs.
石子打在狗的身上⑨,狗哀叫一声,似乎什么地方痛了。它马上掉转身子夹着尾巴就跑,并不等我的第二块石子落到它的头上。I gazed after the fleeing animal and gave a disdainful laugh.
我望着逃去了的狗影,轻蔑地冷笑两声。Thenceforth he would promptly take to his heels whenever he saw me with a stone in my hand.