Kong Yiji
The layout of Luzhen’s taverns is unique. In each, facing you as you enter, is a bar in the shape of a carpenter’s square where hot water is kept ready for warming rice wine. When men come off work at midday and in the evening they spend four coppers on a bowl of wine—or so they did twenty years ago; now it costs ten—and drink this warm, standing by the bar, taking it easy. Another copper will buy a plate of salted bamboo shoots or peas flavoured with aniseed to go with the wine, while a dozen will buy a meat dish; but most of the customers here belong to the short-coated class,few of whom can afford this. As for those in long gowns, they go into the inner room to order wine and dishes and sit drinking at their leisure.
At the age of twelve I started work as a pot-boy in Prosperity Tavern at the edge of the town. The boss put me to work in the outer room, saying that I looked too much of a fool to serve long-gowned customers. The shortcoated customers there were easier to deal with, it is true, but among them were quite a few pernickety ones who insisted on watching for themselves while the yellow wine was ladled from the keg, looked for water at the bottom of the wine-pot, and personally inspected the pot’s immersion into the hot water. Under such strict surveillance, diluting the wine was very hard indeed. Thus it did not take my boss many days to decide that this job too was beyond me. Luckily I had been recommended by somebody influential, so he could not sack me. Instead I was transferred to the dull task of simply warming wine.
After that I stood all day behind the bar attending to my duties. Although I gave satisfaction at this post, I found it somewhat boring and monotonous. Our boss was a grim-faced man, nor were the customers much pleasanter, which made the atmosphere a gloomy one. The only times when there was any laughter were when Kong Yiji came to the tavern. That is why I remember him.
Kong Yiji was the only long-gowned customer who used to drink his wine standing. A big, pallid man whose wrinkled face often bore scars, he had a large, unkempt and grizzled beard. And although he wore a long gown it was dirty and tattered. It had not by the look of it been washed or mended for ten years or more. He used so many archaisms in his speech that half of it was barely intelligible. And as his surname was Kong, he was given the nickname Kong Yiji from kong, yi, ji, the first three characters in the old-fashioned children’s copybook. Whenever he came in, everyone there would look at him and chuckle. And someone was sure to call out:
“Kong Yiji! What are those fresh scars on your face?”
Ignoring this, he would lay nine coppers on the bar and order two bowls of heated wine with a dish of aniseed-peas. Then someone else would bawl:
“You must have been stealing again!”
“Why sully a man’s good name for no reason at all?” Kong Yiji would ask, raising his eyebrows.
“Good name? Why, the day before yesterday you were trussed up and beaten for stealing books from the Ho family. I saw you!”
At that Kong Yiji would flush, the veins on his forehead standing out as he protested, “Taking books can’t be counted as stealing.... Taking books ... for a scholar ... can’t be counted as stealing.” Then followed such quotations from the classics as “A gentleman keeps his integrity even in poverty,” together with a spate of archaisms which soon had everybody roaring with laughter, enlivening the whole tavern.
From the gossip that I heard, it seemed that Kong Yiji had studied the classics but never passed the official examinations and, not knowing any way to make a living, he had grown steadily poorer until he was almost reduced to beggary. Luckily he was a good calligrapher and could find enough copying work to fill his rice bowl. But unfortunately he had his failings too: laziness and a love of tippling. So after a few days he would disappear, taking with him books, paper, brushes and inkstone. And after this had happened several times, people stopped employing him as a copyist. Then all he could do was resort to occasional pilfering. In our tavern, though, he was a model customer who never failed to pay up. Sometimes, it is true, when he had no ready money, his name would be chalked up on our tally-board; but in less than a month he invariably settled the bill, and the name Kong Yiji would be wiped off the board again.
After Kong Yiji had drunk half a bowl of wine, his flushed cheeks would stop burning. But then someone would ask:
“Kong Yiji, can you really read?”
When he glanced back as if such a question were not worth answering,they would continue, “How is it you never passed even the lowest official examination?”
At once a grey tinge would overspread Kong Yiji’s dejected, discomfited face, and he would mumble more of those unintelligible archaisms. Then everyone there would laugh heartily again, enlivening the whole tavern.
At such time I could join in the laughter with no danger of a dressingdown from my boss. In fact he always put such questions to Kong Yiji himself, to raise a laugh. Knowing that it was no use talking to the men,Kong Yiji would chat with us boys. Once he asked me:
“Have you had any schooling?”
When I nodded curtly he said, “Well then, I’ll test you. How do you write the hui in aniseed-peas?”
Who did this beggar think he was, testing me! I turned away and ignored him. After waiting for some time he said earnestly:
“You can’t write it, eh? I’ll show you. Mind you remember. You ought to remember such characters, because you’ll need them to write up your accounts when you have a shop of your own.”
It seemed to me that I was still very far from having a shop of my own;in addition to which, our boss never entered aniseed-peas in his accountbook. Half amused and half exasperated, I drawled, “I don’t need you to show me. Isn’t it the hui written with the element for grass?”
Kong Yiji’s face lit up. Tapping two long fingernails on the bar,he nodded. “Quite correct!” he said. “There are four different ways of writing hui. Do you know them?”
But my patience exhausted, I scowled and moved away. Kong Yiji had dipped his finger in wine to trace the characters on the bar. When he saw my utter indifference his face fell and he sighed.
Sometimes children in the neighbourhood, hearing laughter, came in to join in the fun and surrounded Kong Yiji. Then he would give them aniseedpeas, one apiece. After eating the peas the children would still hang round,their eyes fixed on the dish. Growing flustered, he would cover it with his hand and bending forward from the waist would say, “There aren’t many left, not many at all.” Straightening up to look at the peas again, he would shake his head and reiterate, “Not many, I do assure you. Not many, nay,not many at all.” Then the children would scamper off, shouting with laughter.
That was how Kong Yiji contributed to our enjoyment, but we got along all right without him too.
One day, shortly before the Mid-Autumn Festival I think it was, my boss who was slowly making out his accounts took down the tally-board.“Kong Yiji hasn’t shown up for a long time,” he remarked suddenly. “He still owes nineteen coppers. ” That made me realize how long it was since we had seen him.
“How could he?” rejoined one of the customers. “His legs were broken in that last beating up. ”
“Ah!”said my boss.
“He’d been stealing again. This time he was fool enough to steal from Mr. Ding, the provincial-grade scholar. As if anybody could get away with that! ”
“So what happened?”
“What happened? First he wrote a confession, then he was beaten. The beating lasted nearly all night, and they broke both his legs.”
“And then?”
“Well, his legs were broken.”
“Yes, but after?”
“After?...Who knows? He may be dead.”
My boss asked no further questions but went on slowly making up his accounts.
After the Mid-Autumn Festival the wind grew daily colder as winter approached, and even though I spent all my time by the stove I had to wear a padded jacket. One afternoon, when the tavern was deserted, as I sat with my eyes closed I heard the words:
“Warm a bowl of wine.”
It was said in a low but familiar voice. I opened my eyes. There was no one to be seen. I stood up to look out. There below the bar, facing the door,sat Kong Yiji. His face was thin and grimy—he looked a wreck. He had on a ragged lined jacket and was squatting cross-legged on a mat which was attached to his shoulders by a straw rope. When he saw me he repeated:
“Warm a bowl of wine.”
At this point my boss leaned over the bar to ask, “Is that Kong Yiji? You still owe nineteen coppers. ”
“That...I’ll settle next time.” He looked up dejectedly. “Here’s cash. Give me some good wine.”
My boss, just as in the past, chuckled and said:
“Kong Yiji, you’ve been stealing again!”
But instead of stout denial, the answer simply was:
“Don’t joke with me.”
“Joke? How did your legs get broken if you hadn’t been stealing?”
“I fell,” whispered Kong Yiji. “Broke them in a fall.” His eyes pleaded with the boss to let the matter drop. By now several people had gathered round, and they all laughed with the boss. I warmed the wine, carried it over, and set it on the threshold. He produced four coppers from his ragged coat pocket, and as he placed them in my hand I saw that his own hands were covered with mud—he must have crawled there on them. Presently he finished the wine and, to the accompaniment of taunts and laughter, slowly pushed himself off with his hands.
A long time went by after that without our seeing Kong Yiji again. At the end of the year, when the boss took down the tally-board he said, “Kong Yiji still owes nineteen coppers.” At the Dragon-Boat Festival the next year he said the same thing again. But when the Mid-Autumn Festival arrived he was silent on the subject, and another New Year came round without our seeing any more of Kong Yiji.
Nor have I ever seen him since—no doubt Kong Yiji really is dead.