Sometimes the gods changed people into other forms out of kindness. There was the water nymph Clytie who once saw Apollo as, with his sister Diana,he went hunting through the forest.
Apollo was the most beautiful of all the gods. Clytie had never seen anyone so splendid or so glorious. She loved him at once. But Apollo hurried by without even noticing her as she stood beside her little stream.
Clytie followed him,hoping that he would speak to her. But the hunting party soon reached the edge of the wood,and Apollo rose in a pale cloud,and disappeared toward the east.
The sky was gray,and there had been no sunshine all morning because Apollo,God of the Sun,hunting on earth,had not driven his chariot across the heavens.
Clytie watched the gray sky longingly. In a little while the mist began to scatter,and a pale yellow glow ran around the curvingedges of the clouds. Then,with a burst of light the chariot of the sun appeared,midway on its course.
"""That is his chariot,""said poor Clytie with a sigh,as she sat down on the ground to watch it."
All afternoon she watched it. Every day for nine days she sat in the same place,looking upward and longing forApollo to come to earth that she might see his face.
She forgot to eat and grew thinner and thinner.
At last the gods grew sorry for her and changed her into a great golden sunflower. Her seeds spread over the earth and grew. Wherever the sun shown,they raised their yellow heads to its light and turned, now east,now west,forever following the course of Apollo's chariot as it passed across the sky.