教程:英语寓言  浏览:437  
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    Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.
    Deliberating is not delaying.
    Deliver not your words by number but by weight.
    Discretion is the better part of valour.
    Do as you would be done by.
    Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.
    Do not give a dog bread every time he wags his tail.
    Do not kick against the pricks.
    Do not praise a day before sunset.
    Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
    [注解]spite恶意对待。此谚语用来劝人不要意气行事,以免自身受到损害。切勿割掉自己的鼻子去报复自己的脸;不要因意气行事而伤害自己。意同“Don't cut the bough you are standing on”。
    Don't halloo till you are out of the wood.
    [注解]halloo意同whistle。茂密的森林容易迷路,未出林子前始终存在危险和困难。out of the wood已成习语,意为走出森林,脱离危险,到达安全地。
    Don't have too many irons in the fire.
    Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
    Don't make a rod for your own back.
    Don't make much ado about nothing.
    Don't mend what ain't broken.
    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
    [注解]put all your eggs in one basket指集中财力干一件事情;把一切希望寄托在一件事情上,孤注一掷。此谚语用来劝人做事要留余地,不可孤注一掷,对某件事不可期望过高。
    Don't put the cart before the horse.
    Don't rob Peter to pay Paul.
    Don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
    [注解]suck eggs吮鸡蛋。在鸡蛋两头各钻一个小孔,然后吮其中的一头。祖母肯定懂得,所以无需教她这么干。比喻能人面前莫逞能。
    Don't wash your dirty linen in public.
    Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.
      上一篇:经典谚语:言行与处世-C 下一篇:经典谚语:言行与处世-E


