Good company on the road is the shortest cut.
Good wine needs no bush.
[注解]古时西方酒店的标记就是门口挂一束常春藤或一副常春藤画(The old sign of a tavern was a bunch of ivy),有些酒店好酒出了名,就不必用此标记。在莎士比亚的戏剧《皆大欢喜》的收场白里有:If it be true that good wine need no bush, it is true, that a good play needs no epilogue. 要是好酒无需招牌,那么好戏也不必有收场白。(朱生豪译)
Good wine needs no bush.
[注解]古时西方酒店的标记就是门口挂一束常春藤或一副常春藤画(The old sign of a tavern was a bunch of ivy),有些酒店好酒出了名,就不必用此标记。在莎士比亚的戏剧《皆大欢喜》的收场白里有:If it be true that good wine need no bush, it is true, that a good play needs no epilogue. 要是好酒无需招牌,那么好戏也不必有收场白。(朱生豪译)