Dong Menwu, a person of the state of Wei, were not very sad when his son died. His servant girl was surprised and asked, "Master, you doted on your son so much before your son died. Now your son is dead, but you are not very sad about it. I wonder why." Dong Menwu said to her, "I used to have no son, and I wasn't sad then. Now my son is dead, it is just like before to me. So why should I be sad?" 魏国人东门吴死了儿子后,并没有变现出过分的忧伤。 婢女感到奇怪,就问主人:“您平时对儿子的疼爱称得上是举世无双,现在他死了,却没有看见您有多少忧伤的表情,这究竟是什么原因呢?” 东门吴告诉她:“我以前没有儿子,那时候并不忧伤,现在儿子死了,等于没有儿子,这和以前一样,我为什么要忧伤呢?”以上就是英语故事:子死不忧的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!