Bian Zhuangzi saw two tigers fighting each other for one man, and he was about to kill these two tigers, with a sword in his hand. Guan Zhuzi hold him back by the sleeves and persuaded him, "No hurry! Tigers are cruel beast, always consider human as food, they will not hurt the man before they finish their fight. Ow that they are fighting so fiercely, the smaller one will be killed and the other one will be injured too. Later you only have to kill the wounded one, and you can save the man. At the same time you can also have the fame of killingtwo tigers. Wouldn’t this be a better thing to do?" 卞庄子见两只老虎为争吃一个人相互撕咬,拔剑就要冲上去刺杀这两只老虎。 馆竖子连忙拉住他的袖子,劝阻说:“不要急!老虎是凶杀贪婪的野兽,历来将人看做十分甜美的点心。它们之间未见胜负之前,是不会伤害那个人的。现在它们拼命的争斗,小的那只肯定会死,大的那只也免不了受伤,呆了一会儿你只要去刺杀那只受伤的,就可以救出人来,同时还能拥有杀死两只老虎的美名,这样做不是更好吗?”以上就是英语故事:两虎相争的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!