Zeng Zi saw Zi Xia and asked him, "Why have you gained weight?" Zi Xia said, "I had a victory, that is why I have gained weight." "What victory do you refer to?" Zi Xia said, "When I immerged myself in reading books, I reveredof the past. When I went out, I admired the life of nabodism. There was a fight between the two in my mind, and they came out even. So I got emaciated(瘦弱的). Now that the principles of the emperors and sages of the past have won victory, my mind has become more and more peaceful. So I have gained weight." 曾子见到子夏,问道:“你怎么胖了?” 子夏说:“我获得了胜利,所以胖了。” 曾子问:“你是指什么?”子夏说:“我埋头读书时,敬仰先生至圣的道理,出门在外则羡慕富贵生活的快乐,两者在心中交战,难分胜负,所以瘦了下来。现在,先王至圣的道理获胜了,心中也日益安宁,所以人也胖了起来。”以上就是英语故事:自胜为强的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!