Zhao Xiangzi had been learning chariot(二轮战车) driving from Wang Yuqi. Before long, Zhao Xiangzi contested with Wang Yuqi. Zhao Xiangzi changed horses three times and lost three times. Then he reproached(责备) Wang Yuqi for not having taught him all the techniques. Wang Yuqi said, "The most important thing in driving a chariot is to coordinatethe body of the horse with the chariot and pay all your attention to controlling the horse. Now when you lagged behind, you just wanted to keep up with me. When you were in the lead, you were afraid of being caught up by me. In a driving contest, there is always someone who lags behind, and someone who is in the lead. If you pay all your attention on me, how could you control your hoarsewell? This is the reason why you lost." 赵襄子向王于期学习驾车技巧。 不久,赵襄子和王于期展开比赛,赵襄子三次换马,三次都输了,于是他责怪王于朝没把全部技术教给自己。 王于期说:“驾车的关键在于让马的身体同车子协调,全部精力要用在控制操纵马上。现在,您落后时,就一心想追上我;领先了,又怕我赶上来。比赛驾车,总是有先有后,而您不管在前还是在后,心思都放在我身上,又怎么能操纵好马呢?这就是您落后的原因。”以上就是英语故事:争先恐后的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!