Once Yu Shou went out to handle some affairs. He met Xu Feng on the roads. Yu Shou told Xu Feng that he had brought many books with him, and he could resort to them at any time so he felt quite prepared for whatever problems that are coming. Xu Feng said, "Things are done by people, and there are different things in different periods of time. Wise men never do things invariably. Books just record the experience of the people of the past, but do not tell you what you should do now. So why are you unluckily carrying all these books to handle your affairs?" After hearing this, Yu Shou thought what he said made sense. Then he burned all the books he had brought at spot, and flourished with joy because of the relaxationhe got and the truth he perceived. 玉寿外出办事,在大路上遇到徐冯。 玉寿告诉徐冯,说自己带着许多书,可以随时查找,因而心中格外有底。 徐冯说:“事情要靠人去做,一定的时期有一定的事情,聪明的人不会一成不变地处理事情。书是用来记录人们过去的经验的,它并没有告诉你现在该怎么办,你为什么偏偏要背着书去做事呢?” 玉寿听了,觉得很有道理,当场就将随身携带的书本全部烧掉,并为自己所获得的轻松和领悟的道理而高兴得手舞足蹈。以上就是英语故事:玉寿焚书的全部内容,如果你有其他喜欢的英语故事,欢迎推荐给小编哦!