读双语故事,看百味人生。阅读是一生的功课,无论顺境逆境,我们总能在文字里找到共鸣。以下是小编整理的伸出援助之手/GIVING HANDS的内容,读一下吧,也许恰好是你喜欢的那一篇。
I work for a private school that has an auction every year as its main fund-raising activity. It is a very successful event for our small school of 130 students.
The first year that my son went to this school, his class made a beautiful quilt to auction off. It had all the children’s hand prints on it. While at the auction, I started bidding on the quilt. The bidding kept getting higher and higher until it reached, $500 which was my limit.
After the last bid, I looked around the room to see who was bidding against me. It was a grandmother of one of the children in my son’s class. I was still glad because I thought it went to someone who would cherish it.
The following year, my son’s class again made an item for the auction. This time it was two pillows with the children’s hand prints on the back. After a few rounds, another person and I bid against each other. Again I looked around to see who it was and found it was the same woman. Again I stopped bidding.
Two weeks after the auction, this woman came into my office and we had a talk. She had a bag with her and she handed it to me, saying “Happy Mother’s Day”.
I unwrapped the bag, and there were the pillows. She told me that she wanted me to have them. I thought that she must have been aware of my participation in the two auctions, so she decided to do this wonderful thing for me. She paid several hundred dollars for these two pillows, but I could clearly see her delight of being able to give them to me.
I will never forget her kind act, and I have tried to live up to her generosity by giving what I can to others as well.
◇auction n. & v. 拍卖
◇fund-raising n. 筹款,募款
◇bid v. 出价;祝愿;投标
◇participation n. 分享,参与