教程:听遍美国  浏览:1231  
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    Karzai Meets with Blair

    Afghanistan’s interim(1) leader Hammond Karzai is becoming something of political superstar. His address to the British cabinet(2) made him only the second world statesman along with a certain Bill Clinton to be given that privilege(3). He thanked them for helping rescue(4) his country from occupation(5) by terrorists(6) and the Taliban, and he proved to be a shrewd politician. First came an assurance(7) to British voters【投票人;此处指老百姓】.

    “I will make every possible effort to see to it that we have a transparent(8), clean, efficient bureaucracy(9). And that the money that your taxpayers have earned and given to our people is spent respectfully.”

    That helped to win him applause(10). But Mr. Karzai has his wants list too. Above all he wants a much bigger international security force to hold back the warlords【军阀】 and bandits【土匪】 still roaming(11)outside Kabul. So there was pressure too on Britain’s prime minister who’s promised not to walk away.

    “We all asked for it, it’s a demand by the Afghan people as a measure of commitment(12) by the international community as a symbol(13) of their commitment to Afghanistan to stay on.”

    Mr.Blair was happy to pay tribute(14) to Mr. Karzai’s efforts and to offer help with reconstruction(15). But he wasn’t ready to pledge(16)any increase in troops.

    “Our role in that has been limited in the way that I’ve described, but of course we will be working and discussing with other countries as to how we made sure that the security force continues as it was always intended to do, and does the work that people in Afghanistan want it to do.”

    It was always going to be a harmonious(17)meeting. Mr. Karzai appreciates Tony Blair’s determination that the international community shouldn’t walk away from Afghanistan. Mr. Blair admires the way Mr. Karzai has set about his task as an interim leader. But both are going to be tested by Mr. Karzais call for a hugely expanded international security force to cover the whole of his country. Robin Oakley CNN Downing Street, London.


    1. interim[] adj.过渡时期的
    2. cabinet[] n.内阁
    3. privilege[] n.特权
    4. rescue[] v.拯救
    5. occupation[] n.占领
    6. terrorist [] n.恐怖分子
    7. assurance [] n.自信;保证
    8. transparent [] adj.透明的
    9. bureaucracy[] n.政府机构
    10. applause[] n.鼓掌
    11. roam [] v.徘徊
    12. commitment [] n.义务
    13. symbol[] n.象征
    14. tribute[] n.表示尊敬;赞辞
    15. reconstruction[] n.重建;再建
    16. pledge[] v.许诺;保证
    17. harmonious[] adj.和谐的


    along with 与…在一起;在…以外
    above all 首先;最重要的
    hold back 阻碍
    stay on 继续停留
    set about 着手;开始(做)


    He thanked them for helping…

    I will make every possible effort to see to it that we have a transparent, clean, efficient bureaucracy.










      上一篇:听遍美国卫生新闻--专家在刚果同病毒斗争 下一篇:听遍美国政治新闻--澳大利亚收容所危机平静下来

