Digital1) Radio Comes Home
When satellite2) radio launched3) this fall,it was aimed at cars.Makes sense ――that’s where most people listen to the radio.Strangely,no one thought about the millions who might want 100new stations at home.No one,that is,but Sony.The company’s DRN-SM01,is the only sat radio receiver that can be shuttled from front seat to favorite seat,ensuring4) you don’t spend your evenings in the garage.
NOTE 注释:
1. digital [5didVitl] adj. 数字的,数码的
2. satellite [5sAtElait] n. 人造卫星
3. launch [lC:ntF, lB:ntF] vi. 投放市场
4. ensure [in5FuE] v. 确保, 保证