How to be a boss
You've got your first promotion,and everything is going your way.Now you've got an assistant.But along with the excitement,you have got a load of new assignments and you don't see how you can work harder.
Actually,you' re probably working hard enough,but you may not be working smart enough.Effective job performance and management require delegation1).The more you move up,the more you'll have to develop this skill.
Delegating means making the best possible use of that new assistant they've assigned you.She's enthusiastic,bright,even if a bit confused and naive2) at times.Mainly,she's eager to learn and looks to you for direction.
Maybe you're wondering whether this inexperienced young person is up to the job.She's eager,all right,but can she really understand the work as well as you do?You may question her competence or sincerity3) at times.So you may end up performing tasks she could have hand led,leaving too little time for work that demands your special skills and attention.
Knowing what to delegate is as important as knowing how.It's unfair to pass along jobs just because you dislike them or don't understand them.Playing games is also wrong--asking that assistant to do something you know beyond her,for example.
Giving the impression that you don't really trust your assistant's skills or won't be satisfied no matter what is a sure way to kill youthful enthusiasm.True,she's probably not as competent4) as you are,but she may still be equal to the task.The point is to free your time and energy for other work.
When you assign a job,explain clearly what you want done.Be patient with questions,including the ones you can't believe she asked.Even if you're sure your way is best,leave room for her to do it her way.Once she's begun,check progress occasionally,but don't hang over her.If you think things are going poorly,you may ask if she wants help or advice--don't rush in and take over5).
Most important,recognize and reward achievement.The ability to train and develop an assistant is as important an exercise for you as for her,and will count toward your next promotion.
NOTE 注释:
delegation [7deli5^eiFEn] n. 授权, 委托
naïve [nB:5i:v] adj. 天真的
sincerity [sin5seriti] n. 诚挚, 真实, 真挚
competent [5kCmpitEnt] adj. 有能力的, 胜任的
take over 接管,包办