The drawing subtly reflects that air pollution is becoming increasingly serious in big cities. In the cartoon, there are a large number of cars, buses and trucks driving on the road, and the air quality is extremely bad. Meanwhile, a good many people are constantly coughing in their offices and homes. The magnifier reads: "PM 2.5".
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in the number of urban motor vehicles. Their emissions contribute significantly to air pollution and are a major ingredient in the creation of smog in some large cities. The smog's most threatening aspect is its high concentration of PM 2.5-particulate matter that is small enough to lodge deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream. No wonder that sometimes people have difficulty breathing or keep coughing.
In my view, it is imperative for us to take measures to reduce vehicle emissions, in terms of fuel quality and vehicle emission reduction technologies. Moreover, planting more trees can benefit air quality and the health of city residents.
这幅画微妙地反映了大城市的空气污染正在日益严重。在漫画中,大量的轿车、公交车和卡车行驶在路上,空气质量非常糟糕。同时,很多人在他们的办公室或家中不停地咳嗽。放大镜上写着"PM 2.5"。
近年来城市机动车的数量激增。机动车排放的尾气在很大程度上造成了空气污染,还是一些大城市烟雾形成的主因。烟雾中对人威胁最大的是高浓度的细颗粒物(PM 2.5),这种颗粒物小到足以进入到肺的深处并进入血流中。怪不得有时人们会感到呼吸困难或咳个不停。
reflect 反映
air pollution 空气污染
serious 严重的
a large number of 大量的
a good many 很多
constantly 不断地
cough 咳嗽
magnifier 放大镜
read 写着
PM 2.5 细颗粒物
urban 城市的
motor vehicle 机动车
emission 排放物
significantly 大大地
ingredient 要素
creation 形成
smog 烟雾
threatening 具威胁的
concentration 浓度
particulate matter 颗粒物
lung 肺
bloodstream 血流
breathe 呼吸
imperative 极重要的
fuel 燃料
reduction 减少
technology 技术
resident 居民
1 Today, whether in Bangkok, Beijing or Berlin, the roads of the world's most populous cities are more crowded with motor vehicles than at any other time in history.
2 Due to the lower air quality, the occurrence of asthma and other lung-related illnesses is considerably higher in large cities than in rural areas.