考研满分作文 | 社会热点类:汽车
教程:考研英语作文  浏览:763  
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         The chart above reveals that the number of private cars in China increased by nearly 6 times from 1994 to 2004. In 1994, it was only about 2 million, but it jumped to about 13 million in 2004, a rise of about 11 million during the decade. In the meantime, the number of civil motor vehicles increased from about 9 million to about 27 million, a rise of about 18 million.
         If these rates continue then it is inevitable that there will be too many cars on the roads. This could have an enormous impact on both society and the environment. The answer is not to build more roads as studies show that the number of cars will increase to cover the number of new roads built. The answer is twofold. First, we should develop public transport and keep its fares as cheap as possible. The second is to limit the number of cars on the roads, particularly in the cities.
         Only by implementing these two measures will it be possible to limit the number of vehicles on the roads.




         reveal 显示
         private car 私人汽车
         million 百万
         jump 猛增
         rise 增加
         decade 十年
         in the meantime 与此同时
         civil motor vehicle 民用汽车
         rate 速度
         inevitable 必然发生的
         enormous 巨大的
         impact 影响
         environment 环境
         answer 解决办法
         study 研究
         twofold 两个部分的
         public transport 公共交通
         fare 票价
         implement 执行


    1 Our cities are becoming increasingly polluted as the number of cars continues to rise and car emissions show no sign of easing.
    2 The advantage of automobiles becomes evident if you try imagining life without them.
    3 Cars are a major contributor to air pollution, climate change and the depletion of fossil fuels.

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