法律英语基础听说900句:part 47 刑法原则 Criminal law principles
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    [01:56.19]part 47  Criminal law principles 刑法原则
    [02:02.23]1.An act is not a crime unless the law says it is one.
    [02:10.48]2.An essential function of the criminal law
    [02:16.65]is to define the boundary between what conduct is criminal
    [02:22.81]and what is merely immoral.
    [02:27.36]3.Criminal Law is not only the Magra Carta of the innocent,
    [02:35.30]but also the Magra Carta which makes the sinner.
    [02:40.94]4.Divine punishments though slow,are alwasy sure.
    [02:48.99]5.Duress provides no defense to a charge of murder.
    [02:56.54]6.Justifiable defense is the act being exempted from crimes.
    [03:04.71]7.Prevention and punishment are essential reasons
    [03:11.48]why we have criminal law and a criminal justice system.
    [03:18.03]8.No crime without a law.
    [03:23.39]9.No one can be forced to incriminate himself.
    [03:30.23]10.Penal statutes must not be given retroactive effect.

      上一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 46 Punishment 刑罚 下一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 48 刑事侦察 Criminal investigation

