法律英语基础听说900句:Part 54 赠与 Gift
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    Part 54   Gift赠与
    [06:06.11]1.A donation of $1 million has been presented
    [06:13.08]to the sufferers by a wealthy lady.
    [06:17.34]2.A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another
    [06:25.70]without any consideration or compensation.
    [06:31.03]3.A gift to "my child" that does not set out the children's name
    [06:38.26]is a class gift.
    [06:41.42]4.Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of "gift".
    [06:49.57]5.In the case of a gift the thing itself passes to the donee.
    [06:57.15]6.Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax.
    [07:05.20]7.payment of gift tax is the obligation of the donor,not the recipient.
    [07:14.34]8.The gift is subject to the federal unified transfer tax.
    [07:21.60]9.The gift must be made with a view to the donor's present illness or peril.
    [07:29.78]10.The gift was made subject to certain conditions imposed on the recipient.

      上一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 53 责任 Duty 下一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 55 债务 Debt

