法律英语基础听说900句:Part 56 招投标 Bidding
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    Part 56  Bidding招投标
    [00:04.28]1.A contractor bidding for a construction
    [00:10.55]is required to prepare many bid documents.
    [00:16.20]2.All bids are kept secret until the winning bid is announced.
    [00:24.06]3.All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond
    [00:30.90]or bank guarantee of two per cent of total bid price.
    [00:34.17]所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份 2%的投标保证金或银行保函一起提交.
    [00:37.43]4.Each bid is submitted in writing and is referred to as a sealed bid.
    [00:46.21]5.For the open bid ,bidders may revise their bids repeatedly.
    [00:54.47]6.I regret to inform you that your tender was not acceptable.
    [01:02.20]7.The bidder withdrew his bid after submission of his bid.
    [01:10.06]8.The company bid $5 million for the contract to build the bridge.
    [01:18.52]9.The firm decided to bid on the new subway.
    [01:25.60]10.We decided to invite tender for the project.

      上一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 55 债务 Debt 下一篇:法律英语基础听说900句:Part 57 证据 Evidence


