Writing 7 结合图片谈谈社会上吃饭浪费的现象。
A big feast or a big waste?This has long been a problem to be solved in China.In the picture,a waiter is dealing with a typical Chinese meal after it has been finished,wearing an embarrassed expression.A complete duck and fish are being dumped as leftovers.
From my point of view,it is people's attitude that results in the phenomenon.Saving resources should have been a traditional virtue of China.However,nowadays,having been spoiled,so many people are completely unconscious of how hard these resources come,and always take it for granted that as long as enough money is paid,it is up to them to decide how the resources should be used.Next,people's wrong idea about self-dignity accounts for a large part of the problem.Chinese people would rather order more food than necessary to show generosity than be regarded as the opposite.Nevertheless,they don't have such a good appetite for the food,thus leading to the waste.
To ease the problem effectively,I suggest that official appeals for the awareness of saving food should be made at once to shift people's inappropriate attitude towards spending money and wasting food.Another solution should come in the form of the law that puts a ban on such cases.Either fines or warnings can work.We are blocking the development of future generations unless we begin to save all these resources right now.