be imperative to 不可避免的,势在必行 public moral 公德心
impose huge pressure on sb.给某人施加很大压力 not so much…as…与其说是……倒不如说是……
1.Moreover,the aim of sending children to after-school classes is questionable.而且,把孩子送去课外辅导班的目的值得商榷。
2.Creativity is necessary to a student's success as well as a country's improvement.创造力是学生取得成功的必备条件,对一个国家的进步来说也是如此。
3.Since the museum operation reform came out,argument over it has never really been settled.自从博物馆对外开放以来,关于这项改革的争辩一直未有定论。
4.People are divided on the question whether those campuses should be open to tourists,and to me,I'm on the cons side with the reasons as follows.人们就这些学校是否应该对游客开放持不同意见,就我而言,我是不赞同的,理由如下。
5.…people begin to split between the trend followers and the left-behinds.……人们逐渐分裂成了潮流追随者和保守者。
6.As an online shopper myself,I find the temptation to buy things which may even be thousands of miles away with only a slight click is hard to resist.本身作为一名网络买家,我感觉真的很难抵抗(鼠标/手指)轻轻一点就能买到数千里以外的商品这种诱惑。
7.From my point of view,it is people's attitude that results in the phenomenon.依我看,正是人们的态度造成了这种现状。
8.We should pass on the traditional moral practice like being hardworking and economical from generation to generation.我们应该把类似勤劳、节约的传统美德一代代传承下去。
9.As our economy is rocketing,higher levels of public moral are required to build a harmonious society.随着我们国家经济的快速增长,需要人们提高公德心,一起来建设和谐社会。
10.The comic is wisely drawn in humor,which does provide us with some food for thought.这幅漫画用幽默的视角带给我们一些引人深思的东西。