In recent years, internet voting has become increasingly popular inChina. People not only cast on-line votes themselves, but also urge others tovote for competitions like the "Most Beautiful Teacher" and the " Cutest Baby".
Li Jiang, a high school student, is invited to vote in the " Best PoliceOfficer" competition, organized by the local government to let the publichave a better understanding of police officers’ daily work. LiJiang visits the website and reads all the stories. He is deeply moved by theirglorious deeds. He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in thefuture.
Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the " FutureSinger" competition. He has already received three similar invitations thisweek. His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition, the familywill win an overseas tour for free. Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but hefinds other singers perform even better. To vote, or not to vote? This is aquestion that troubles him very much.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2. 用约120个单词阐述你对网络投票的看法,并用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
Possible version two:
Internet voting is quite popular nowadays. Many people are somewhatpuzzled at the negative side of the voting, although some are quite happy withit, and active in doing it.
In my opinion, Internet voting has begun to show its negativeimpacts on people and society. Firstly, people may feel forced when asked to dothings that they don’t want to. Secondly, voting of this kind does not dependon the strong points of the competitors, but rather on how manysocial-networking resources they have. Thirdly, the voters or even thecompetitors in many cases are possibly taken advantage of by the organizers forcommercial purposes.
In short, Internet voting, to some extent, is unfair, if notimmoral, and cannot be trusted. Therefore, rules should be worked out andstrictly observed. Everyone in our society should help those in need, but it ismore important to be sincere and earnest.
(150 words)