There is no such thing as purely objective observation.All observation is subjective;it is always guided by the observer's expectations or desires.
The writer of the issue focuses his/her attention on the detail and extremely stares at the minutia, blinding to the main part of the problem. According to my feeling, the issue is ramshackle to deliberate.
Following the author's logic that all observations are distorted by observer's expectations or desires, all things in the world are unsuitable for meanings that is endowed by human language. If so, can the clean water be called clean? If we fetch a drop of water from a cup of clean water and then observe it under a microscope, many kinds of impurity can be dectected; can a brave man be a real brave one? Sometimes,even the bravest general may get worried: he/she worries that his army maight be conquered by the rival, he/she worries about the situation of his/her country, he/she worries about his/her familily. If all languages should be as accurate to depict things in the world as the inicial appearence of them, there might be no language nowadays.