For the citizens of modern-day Mongolia, Genghis Khan is a folk hero and a symbol of their emerging democracy. A main street in the capital of Ulan Bator has been named after him, and his image is on a banknote. He even has a brand of vodka named after him, not an unusual memorial for one of history's greatest conquerors. Perhaps Genghis Khan would appreciate this more than his traditional reputation as a ruthless killer.
对今天的蒙古人民来说,成吉思汗是位民族英雄,也是他们新兴民主的象征。首都乌兰巴托有一条主要街道是以成吉思汗命名的,钞票上也印有他的肖像。一种伏特加酒甚至以他命名,对历史上伟大的一名征服者而言,这不能算是了不起的纪念。和传说中 "无情杀手"的威名相比,成吉思汗也许更欣赏这种纪念方式。