"I really wrote it for me, It was what I found funny and what I liked". Those are the words of J K Rowling, author of the enormously popular "Harry Potter" books. The quote refers to the first in a series of novels featuring a young character who has carved out a permanent place for his creator in the world of children's literature.
“我其实是为自己而写。那是我觉得有趣而且是我喜欢的。”这是超级畅销书《哈利波特》的作者J. K. 罗琳所说的话。这段引言指的是一系列以一位年轻主人翁为主角的小说的第一部,而这位小说主角已为其创作者在儿童文学界中取得不朽地位。
(短文节选,本期开始连载:《哈利波特》─ J. K. 罗琳的神来之笔)