As much a part of an American summer as ice cream and school vacations, baseball has a grip on the national psyche unrivalled by that of any other sport. The game evolved from obscure origins into the huge, multimillion-dollar industry it is today. The first recorded baseball game took place in 1845, but the sport did not take off until the early twentieth century with the birth of the National and American Leagues and the World Series.
盛夏时节,棒球在美国人心目中的地位,足以同冰淇淋和学校暑假媲美,更是其他运动所望尘莫及的。这项运动的起源不甚清楚,但流传至今已成为几百万资本的大产业。 有正式纪录的第一场棒球赛始于1845年,但要说到真正的盛行还是在二十世纪初国家联盟及美国联盟成立,“世界大赛”(两联盟冠军赛)诞生之后。
(短文节选,本期开始连载:美国大联盟 )