被称为“万园之园”,the Garden of Gardens的圆明园被毁,可以说是中国园林建筑史上的最大缺憾。近日,一座全景复活圆明园的雕塑在世博会上重现,给众多游客带来了巨大惊喜。你知道怎么用英语介绍美丽的圆明园吗?
首先,要说说圆明园名字的英译,是Old Summer Palace,这个名字看上去是不是很熟悉?没错,颐和园的英译是Summer Palace,和圆明园只有一词之差。之所以译为Summer Palace,是因为颐和园是皇帝夏天居住的地方,若要翻译出字面含义,可以说:Garden Of Nurtured Harmony。
圆明园中包含了三个主要主要园林:圆明园:the Garden of Perfect Brightness proper;长春园:the Garden of Eternal Spring;绮春园:the Elegant Spring Garden。
The Old Summer Palace is often associated with the European-style palaces built of stone. The designers of these structures were employed by Emperor Qianlong to satisfy his taste for exotic buildings and objects.
It took 3,500 British troops to set the entire place ablaze, taking three days to burn. The Palace was plundered and burned twice. The first time was in 1860 by French and British army forces, and only 13 royal buildings survived to remain intact, most of them in the remote areas or by the lake side. The second time was in 1900 during the Eight-Nation Alliance invasion, and nothing remained this time.
圆明园虽然被毁了,但在很多保存完好的园林中,我们仍然能体会到中国园林的独特风情:the combination of landscape、painting and poetry,山水风景与诗画融合,形成了这种独特的poetic garden,使居住在园中的人得到精神上的愉快与安宁:to provide a spiritual Utopia。
不对称:asymmetrical;空间艺术:various types of spatial connections;树木、山石和流水:trees、rocks and water;借景:borrowed scenery;题辞:inscriptions;风水:use of feng shuifor choosing site。