A unique structural element of interlocking wooden brackets.
在中国的传统建筑中,因为墙的支撑力很小,不能做到百分百load-bearing,更多时候墙是建造成网格式的,latticework,或者是泥墙,mud wall,或者选用其他delicate materials,不足以撑起整个建筑物的重量,这个时候斗拱就要派上大用场了。“斗拱”有两个主要部分:
斗:a large wooden block on a column
拱:the bow-shaped brackets
The function of dougong is to provide increased support for the weight of the horizontal beams that span the vertical columns or pillars.
明朝的时候,斗拱开始成为建筑物的一种decorative element,在实用的基础上增加了装饰的效果。但是斗拱绝对不是华而不实的,这样的构造其实能够很好地抵御地震:
The dougong structure is highly resistant to earthquakes. It could hold the wood structure together even though brick walls would collapse in the same earthquake. This helped so many ancient buildings to stand intact for hundreds of years.