I am pleased to know that World Expo has delivered 150 years of successful service in science, culture and economic development. Being a platform for the exchange of minds and visions among human civilizations, the World Expo has played a strategic role in encouraging the people of the world to explore ways to improve society's general well-being by making better use of the continuous development of modern civilizations. I was personally very happy to know about the achievements of World Expo.
我很高兴地得知在过去的150年中,世界博览会一直在为促进科学、文化和经济的发展搭建舞台。作为不同的人类文明之间交流思想和梦想的平台,世博会扮演了一个战略性的角色,它致力于推动全世界人民更好地改善社会总体生活质量,其手段就是利用现代文明生生不息的发展进程。穿越150年的长廊,我深为世 博会取得的诸多成就兴奋。
I am happy that Shanghai will host the World Expo in May. With the World Expo, I hope Shanghai will continue to be a leading city in China and an international economic, financial, trade and shipping center. "Better City, Better Life" is an excellent theme for Shanghai to pursue.
The quest for a better life has run through the urban history of mankind. And with increasing modernization, the growth and development of these metropolitan cities are also expected. But there is also a flipside that shows us the problems and challenges faced by people in cities. This theme of "Better City, Better Life" will thus give every nation in the world a chance to show their technology, culture, economies and social harmony to the rest of the world in a much better light.
I wish Shanghai World Expo 2010 every success.