Time magazine has revealed the Time 100 for 2011, the magazine's eighth annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, which includes Canada's biggest pop star, one of America's biggest TV stars... and a "Gossip Girl"-turned-big screen leading lady.
美国时代周刊公布了2011全球最具影响力人物100强,这是该活动举办以来的第8份年度榜单。今年的最具影响力100人中,有加拿大最当红的流行歌手,也有美国最著名的电视明星,还有凭借美剧《绯闻少女》(Gossip Girl)进军大荧幕的布莱克·莱弗利。
Many Hollywood notables made the coveted list this year, including Justin Bieber, Chris Colfer, Blake Lively, Oprah Winfrey, Amy Poehler, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, Colin Firth, "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner, Prince William and Kate Middleton, Bruno Mars, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg and designer Tom Ford.
"From the minute I met Justin, I knew this kid possessed a certain confidence that only a star could have," Usher told Time of his friend and pop protégé, Bieber. "What's interesting and will keep the world watching is that at the same time he's having this incredible success, he's like any other kid living a normal life."
“我见到Justin的第一眼,就发现者孩子有股只有明星才有的自信范。”美国R&B歌手亚瑟小子向时代周刊这样介绍他的朋友Justin Bieber。“有趣的是他虽然获得了巨大的成功,但同时也过着像其它孩子那样的普通生活,这也是全世界都会关注他的原因吧。”