2022年10月23日 阿曼达·克鲁兹说儿子猫王一直在问“爸爸在哪里”
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    Amanda Kloots Says Son Elvis Has Been Asking "Where Dad Is"

    Two years after Nick Cordero died at age 41 due to COVID-19 complications, his wife Amanda Kloots shared that their son Elvis has started asking more questions about his dad.
    尼克·科德罗(Nick Cordero)因 COVID-19 并发症去世,享年 41 岁,两年后,他的妻子阿曼达·克鲁兹(Amanda Kloots)分享说,他们的儿子埃尔维斯(Elvis)开始询问有关他父亲的更多问题。
    Amanda Kloots' son is beginning to ask the tough questions.
    Amanda Kloots的儿子开始提出棘手的问题。
    Two years after her husband Nick Cordero died at age 41 due to COVID-19 complications, The Talk co-host revealed that amid her own grief, her three-year-old son Elvis has started becoming curious about "where his dad is."
    在她的丈夫尼克·科尔德罗(Nick Cordero )因COVID-19并发症 去世,享年 41 岁两年后, The Talk 的 联合主持人透露,在她自己的悲痛中,她三岁的儿子埃尔维斯开始对“他父亲在哪里”感到好奇。
    "I feel like that part of grief is going to start happening, where I have to now face his grief after dealing with mine for the last two years, she shared on the Oct. 18 episode of iHeartRadio's The Important Things with Bobbi Brown podcast.  "Helping Elvis understand at this young age where Dad is, why Dad doesn't live with us, what happened to Dad. And it's been really, really, really hard."
    “我觉得悲伤的那部分将开始发生,在过去两年与我打交道后,我现在必须面对他的悲伤,她在 10 月 18 日 iHeartRadio与 Bobbi Brown播客的重要事情中分享了这一集。 “帮助猫王在这么年轻的时候了解爸爸在哪里,为什么爸爸不和我们住在一起,爸爸发生了什么事。这真的、真的、真的很难。”
    Although Elvis was just 13 months old when Nick passed, Amanda, 40, said that her son says that he does remember the Broadway star, "which is crazy." She added, "I don't know if that's because we watch so many videos together of Nick or because I talk about Nick so much. But he does, he does say that and I love it. But it makes me wonder."
    虽然尼克去世时猫王只有 13 个月大 ,但 40 岁的阿曼达说,她的儿子说他确实记得这位百老汇明星,“这太疯狂了。” 她补充说:“我不知道这是因为我们一起观看了很多关于尼克的视频,还是因为我经常谈论尼克。但他确实如此,他确实这么说,我喜欢它。但这让我感到好奇。”

    As Elvis gets older, Amanda said the two have started having more open conversations about Nick.

    "I have said, 'Dada lives in heaven with Jesus but he's all around us all the time," she said. "And we can always talk to him, we can listen to him sing and he's watching over us all the time.' That's what I've said so far."
    “我说过,‘爸爸和耶稣一起住在天堂,但他一直都在我们身边,”她说。“我们可以随时与他交谈,我们可以听他唱歌,他一直在看着我们。” 这就是我到目前为止所说的。”
    In March 2000 Nick went to the ER with what was first diagnosed as pneumonia, but turned out to be COVID. He never left the hospital and died that July after suffering numerous complications.
    2000 年 3 月,尼克带着最初被诊断为肺炎的疾病去了急诊室,但结果却是 COVID。他从未离开医院,并 在经历了许多并发症后于当年 7 月去世。

    "God has another angel in heaven now," Amanda wrote on Instagram at the time. "I am in disbelief and hurting everywhere. My heart is broken as I cannot imagine our lives without him.
    “上帝现在在天堂有另一个天使,”阿曼达当时在 Instagram 上写道。“我难以置信,到处都在受伤。我的心都碎了,因为我无法想象没有他我们的生活。

    She continued, "Nick was such a bright light. He was everyone's friend, loved to listen, help and especially talk. He was an incredible actor and musician. He loved his family and loved being a father and husband. Elvis and I will miss him in everything we do, everyday."
      上一篇:2022年10月23日观看格蕾丝·范·帕滕(Grace Van Patten)确认现实生活中对告诉我的谎言联合主演杰克逊·怀特的迷恋 下一篇:2022年10月23日 艾伦明星索菲亚格蕾丝怀上了她的第一个孩子


