2022年12月05日 TikTok 用户正在使用经期血制作 DIY 面膜:护肤专家权衡
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    TikTokers Are Using Period Blood for DIY Face Masks: Skincare Experts Weigh in
    TikTok 用户正在使用经期血制作 DIY 面膜:护肤专家权衡
    TikTok's #periodfacemask hashtag has reached more than six billion views, with people trying out the skincare treatment. However, three skincare experts told E! News why it's not a trend to tap into.
    TikTok 的#periodfacemask 主题标签的浏览量已超过 60 亿次,人们尝试了护肤疗法。然而,三位护肤专家告诉 E!新闻为什么它不是一种趋势。
    TikTok's latest skincare trend just might get your panties in a twist.
    TikTok 的最新护肤趋势可能会让你的内裤扭曲。
    There's no denying that the video-sharing app is known for its viral beauty tips and tricks like the recent "I'm Cold" makeup look, the "vampire skin" effect and many others. And now, the buzziest skincare trend is all about using period blood to create a DIY face mask.
    不可否认,这款视频共享应用程序以其病毒式美容秘诀和技巧而闻名,例如最近的“我很冷”妆容、“吸血鬼皮肤”效果等等。而现在,最流行的护肤趋势就是使用经血来制作 DIY 面膜。
    Yes, you read that correctly.
    The hashtag, #periodfacemask, has become so popular on the social media platform that it has amassed more than six billion views. The hashtag #menstruationmasking has also picked up steam with almost three million views.
    #periodfacemask 标签已经在社交媒体平台上变得如此受欢迎,它已经积累了超过 60 亿的浏览量。 #menstruationmasking 标签也获得了近 300 万的浏览量。
    And while the skincare hack can hold different names on TikTok, the core of its purpose remains the same. Users are taking their period blood, generally collecting it with a menstrual cup, and smearing it all over their face in the hopes of achieving clear, glowing skin.
    虽然护肤黑客在 TikTok 上的名称可能不同,但其目的的核心是相同的。用户正在抽取月经血,通常用月经杯收集,然后将其涂抹在脸上,以期获得清晰、发光的皮肤。
    But before you start riding the (red) wave, you're going to want to read what skincare experts told E! News about the potential risks that can arise from trying this trend out.
    但在你开始骑(红色)浪潮之前,您会想要阅读护肤专家告诉 E 的内容!有关尝试这种趋势可能产生的潜在风险的新闻。
    Will using period blood as a face mask actually work?
    Blair Hayes, a board-certified aesthetics physician assistant, told E! News there are several reasons why it's a big fat no.
    Blair Hayes,一位获得委员会认证的美容医师助理,告诉E!新闻 有几个原因让它成为一个大脂肪不。
    "Our skin barrier doesn't allow blood to penetrate into our skin," she explained. "It needs some form of delivery method to get past the skin barrier."
    “我们的皮肤屏障不允许血液渗透到我们的皮肤,”她解释道。 “它需要某种形式的传递方法才能通过皮肤屏障。”
    According to the Skin By Blair Aesthetics founder, the anti-aging benefits associated with blood-derived treatments are effective if there's some sort of injury.
    根据 Skin By Blair Aesthetics 创始人的说法,如果有某种伤害,与血液衍生疗法相关的抗衰老功效是有效的。
    "This usually comes in the form of needles, micro-needling and lasers," she pointed out, adding, "there are very low levels of growth factors in your blood—or platelets—which make up less than one percent of your blood. Not a very effective number!"
    A platelet-derived growth factor is one of many numerous growth factors that help regulate cell growth and division. But Hayes said the reason why medical professionals spin blood is to extract the platelets, which increases the concentration.
    In short, she said that "there is zero scientific evidence" behind applying "whole blood" to the face as a skincare benefit.
    As Dr. Michele Koo, a board-certified plastic surgeon, noted, "The PRP (Platelet-rich plasma injections) utilized for improving skin quality is specially prepared and concentrated through a sterile test tube agar that concentrates the healing factors within the platelets."
    正如获得委员会认证的整形外科医生 Michele Koo 博士指出的那样, “用于改善皮肤质量的 PRP(富血小板血浆注射液)是专门制备并通过无菌试管琼脂浓缩而成,将治疗因子集中在血小板内。”
    How does a menstruation mask differ from a "vampire" facial?
    First things first, a  "vampire" facial—popularized by Kim Kardashian in a 2013 episode of Kourtney & Kim Take Miami—is a similar concept to PRP. The cosmetic treatment uses a person's blood (typically drawn from the arm), separates the platelets and then applies the blood back to the face. PRP, on the other hand, is a treatment that uses a patient's own blood cells to help heal a specific area, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.
    首先,“吸血鬼”面部护理——由金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 在 2013 年的 Kourtney & Kim Take Miami 剧集中流行——是一个类似的概念到 PRP。美容治疗使用人的血液(通常从手臂抽取),分离血小板,然后将血液涂回面部。另一方面,根据 Johns Hopkins Medicine 的说法,PRP 是一种使用患者自身血细胞帮助治愈特定区域的治疗方法。
    Dr. Geeta Yadav, a board-certified dermatologist, broke it down for E! News, sharing, "Menstrual blood facials are not administered comparably to a PRP or 'vampire' facial, which uses micro-needling devices to push the nutrients from one's blood and plasma into the skin."
    董事会认证的皮肤科医生 Geeta Yadav 博士将其分解为 E!新闻、分享、“月经血面部护理与 PRP 或‘吸血鬼’面部护理的管理方式不同,后者使用微针设备将血液和血浆中的营养物质推入皮肤。”
    "But that doesn't mean you should be using a microneedle roller with your period blood facial," the Facet Dermatology founder said. "The biggest difference here is that period blood is not collected hygienically or processed properly for it to be delivered back to the skin in a useful way."
    “但这并不意味着你应该在经期血面部护理时使用微针滚轮,”Facet Dermatology 创始人说。 “这里最大的不同是经期血液没有以卫生的方式收集或适当处理,无法以有用的方式输送回皮肤。”
    What are the benefits of using period blood as a face mask?

    While many of our experts agree there are no benefits to this TikTok trend, Dr. Yadav summed it up best: "Aside from the fact that it is free, there is zero advantage to using menstrual blood on your skin."
    虽然我们的许多专家都认为这种 TikTok 趋势没有任何好处,但 Yadav 博士总结得最好:“除了以下事实:它是免费的,在皮肤上使用经血的优势为零。”
    What are the potential risks and is it safe to use?
    All three of our experts pointed out that this trend is a recipe for infection.
    "The collection of blood is not sterile, it is contaminated with microbes such as bacteria, yeast and even viruses that live within the uterus and vagina," Hayes explained. "When you smear your menses on your face, you're also transferring these microbes with it, which could lead to a nasty infection if your skin barrier isn't perfectly intact."
    “采血是它不是无菌的,而是被生活在子宫和阴道内的细菌、酵母甚至病毒等微生物污染,”Hayes 解释道。 “当你将月经液涂抹在脸上时,这些微生物也会随之转移,如果你的皮肤屏障不完好无损,这可能会导致严重的感染。”
    Translation: You better hope you don't have even a minor scratch.
    As she put it, "How would you like to learn you have a sexually transmitted infection by waking up one morning, post-period-facial to chlamydial conjunctivitis or a herpes outbreak on your face?
      上一篇:2022年12月05日 学士国度的贝卡库弗林和托马斯·雅各布斯的婚礼会在电视上播出吗?她说…… 下一篇:2022年12月05日 莎拉·海兰 (Sarah Hyland) 和威尔斯·亚当斯 (Wells Adams) 哀悼失去他们心爱的狗卡尔


