2022年12月22日 女演员查尔比·迪恩 (Charlbi Dean) 死因揭晓
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    Actress Charlbi Dean’s Cause of Death Revealed
    女演员查尔比·迪恩 (Charlbi Dean) 死因揭晓

    After it was initially shared that Charlbi Dean passed away from "an unexpected sudden illness," the New York City coroner shed some light on her death.在最初分享查尔比·迪恩 (Charlbi Dean) 死于“一场意外的突发疾病”之后,这位纽约市验尸官对她的死因进行了一些解释。
    Charlbi Dean's cause of death has been determined four months after her passing.
    Charlbi Dean的死因在她去世四个月后才确定。
    The New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner ruled that the South African actress died of bacterial sepsis, which was brought on from "a complication from asplenia" (the absence of a spleen) due to "remote blunt trauma to her torso," per People.
    纽约市首席法医办公室裁定,这位南非女演员死于细菌性败血症,这是由于“她的躯干受到远程钝性创伤”而导致的“无脾并发症”(脾脏缺失)引起的,根据 人们。
    A spokesperson for the coroner's office told the outlet on Dec. 21 that sepsis was caused after Dean was infected with a bacteria known as Capnocytophaga. According to the CDC, Capnocytophaga is spread to people through bites, scratches, licks or other close contact with animals such as dogs and cats. People with autoimmune issues and without spleens are particularly susceptible to these infections.
    验尸官办公室的一位发言人在 12 月 21 日告诉媒体,迪恩感染了一种叫做二氧化碳噬菌体的细菌后引起了败血症。根据CDC的说法,Capnocytophaga 通过咬伤、抓伤、舔舐或与猫狗等动物的其他密切接触传播给人类。有自身免疫问题和没有脾脏的人特别容易受到这些感染。
    The Black Lightning star's death was ruled an accident, though it is unclear if an animal bite or lick was responsible for her infection. The medical examiner has not made her full autopsy public.
    Black Lightning明星的 死亡被裁定为意外事故,但尚不清楚动物咬伤或舔舐是否是导致她感染的原因。验尸官没有公开她的完整尸检结果。
    Dean died on Aug. 29 in New York City at the age of 32. At the time, a rep for the actress confirmed to NBC News that she passed away from "an unexpected sudden illness," but no other details were provided.
    迪恩于 8 月 29 日在纽约市去世,享年 32 岁。当时,这位女演员的代表向 NBC 新闻证实,她死于“一场意外的突发疾病”,但没有提供其他细节。
    Her brother Alex Jacobs, previously told Rolling Stone that Dean was involved in a "very, very bad car accident" around 2009, after which doctors removed her spleen. He also noted that his sister suffered broken ribs and a broken back in the accident
    她的哥哥亚历克斯·雅各布斯 ( Alex Jacobs ) 此前曾告诉滚石杂志 ,迪恩在 2009 年左右卷入了一场“非常非常严重的车祸”,之后医生切除了她的脾脏。他还指出,他的妹妹在事故中肋骨骨折和背部骨折
    "[The spleen is] involved in fighting off infections, and that could have had something to do with what happened," Jacobs said on Aug. 31. "Her spleen not being there just added on to the reason why she perhaps couldn't fight it off."
    “[脾脏]参与抵抗感染,这可能与所发生的事情有关,”雅各布斯在 8 月 31 日说。“她的脾脏不在那里只是增加了她可能不能的原因打败它。”
    Jacobs also detailed his sister's last day alive, explaining that Dean began experienced "minor" symptoms before asking her fiancé, Luke Volker, to take her to an emergency room. She died just a few hours later.
    Her brother told the outlet, "This happened literally within the span of a day: getting a headache, going to sleep, waking up her boyfriend and saying please take me to the hospital."
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