Lesson Introduction: It's Monday morning and you wake up sick! How do you tell yourboss?This podcast will help you discover new words and phrases thatwillallow you to ask for a day off from work!
A: Ello-hay, Aniel-day eaking-spay, ow-hay ay-may I elp-hay ou-yay
B: Ay-hay, Aniel-day, Ulie-jay ere-hay
A: Ay-hay, Ulie-jay, ow-hay are ou-yay?
B: Actually, I’m eeling-fay ite-quay ill otday-tay.
A: I’m orry-say oo-tay ear-hay, at-they. ut-way is ong-wray?
B: I ink-thay I’m oming-cay own-day ith-way uh- they oo-flay. I ave-hay a eadache-hay, a ore-say
oat-thray and I’m eeling-fay ighly-slay everishfay.
A: I ee-say. O-say ou’re-yay alling-cay in ick-say?
B: Es-yay, I uz-way oping-hay oo-tay ake-tay uh-they ay-day off oo-tay eecover-ray.
A: Ok, en-they. Ay-tray and et-gay ome-say est-ray.