Lesson Introduction: It's Monday morning and you wake up sick! How do you tell your boss? This podcast will help you discover new words and phrases that will allow you to ask for a day off from work!
A: Hello, Daniel speaking, how may I help you?
B: Hi, Daniel, Julie here.
A: Hi, Julie, how are you?
B: Actually, I’m feeling quite ill today.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. What’s wrong?
B: I think I’m coming down with the flu. I have a headache, a sore throat a runny nose and I’m feeling slightly feverish.
A: I see... so you’re calling in sick?
B: Yes, I was hoping to take the day off to recover.
A: OK, then. Try and get some rest.
was hoping to kindly expect
calling in sick report that you will not go to work because you are sick
coming down getting, acquiring
quite ill very sick
how may I help you? Polite offer to help
impolite rude
permission allow
symptom a sign, indication
sick day day off because you’re sick
make it into work go to work