A: Welcome to Bill’s Fabric World. What can I do for you today?
B: I was wondering if you guys also tailor clothes?
A: Sure we do! We have the best tailors in the country! What is it that you need exactly?
B: Well, I’m looking to get a custom-made suit.
A: Excellent! We have the finest cashmeres at affordable prices.How about we get you measured? Let’s start off by measuring the width of your shoulders. Now, let’s measure the length of your arms and this bit around your neck here.
B: Can you make sure you leave a little extra space in the collar? My neck gets easily irritated.
A: No problem! Now for your pants, let me just measure your waist and the inseam.
B: You might also want to leave a little extra room in the waist area. I tend to gain a few pounds over the holidays.
A: OK.Now you can pick your fabric and pattern design. Please follow me.
tailor v. 裁制
custom-made adj.定制的
measure v.量尺寸
make sure 确定
tend v.趋向
pattern design 款式设计
B: 我在想你们是否也做衣服。
B: 我需要定做一套衣服。
B: 领口处你能多稍微大点啊?我的脖子总是很难受。
B: 腰部也要大点,过完假期我有点胖了。
B: I was wondering if you guys also tailor clothes?
A: Sure we do! We have the best tailors in the country! What is it that you need exactly?
B: Well, I’m looking to get a custom-made suit.
A: Excellent! We have the finest cashmeres at affordable prices.How about we get you measured? Let’s start off by measuring the width of your shoulders. Now, let’s measure the length of your arms and this bit around your neck here.
B: Can you make sure you leave a little extra space in the collar? My neck gets easily irritated.
A: No problem! Now for your pants, let me just measure your waist and the inseam.
B: You might also want to leave a little extra room in the waist area. I tend to gain a few pounds over the holidays.
A: OK.Now you can pick your fabric and pattern design. Please follow me.
tailor v. 裁制
custom-made adj.定制的
measure v.量尺寸
make sure 确定
tend v.趋向
pattern design 款式设计
B: 我在想你们是否也做衣服。
B: 我需要定做一套衣服。
B: 领口处你能多稍微大点啊?我的脖子总是很难受。
B: 腰部也要大点,过完假期我有点胖了。