A: Alright class, now that we’re all dressed up let’s see what professions you chose. Ah, I see a fireman, a police officer, a medic, and a lifeguard! Can anyone tell me what these people have in common?
B: They save people from bad things?
A: That’s right! Now class, if something bad happened and you had to get help, do you know what phone number you would call?
C: 911!
A: Yes, you would pick up the phone and dial 911. What are some emergency situations where you would need to dial 911?
B: If my grandpa has a heart attack!
C: If there is an accident!
B: If a robber breaks into the house!
C: If the fire alarm goes off!
B: Pff! I wouldn’t call 911 if the fire alarm went off in my house. The only time that ever happens is when we’re having spaghetti for supper, and Mom burns the garlic bread, as usual.
dress up 化妆
profession n.职业
fireman n.消防员
police officer n.警察
lifeguard n.保镖
have in common 共同点
dial v. 拨打
heart attack 心脏病
break into 破门而入
go off 响起
A: 好了,同学们,现在我们都已经化妆了,来看看你们都选了什么职业。我看见有消防员,警察,医生和保镖。谁能告诉我这些职业有什么共性吗?
A: 对。同学们,如果你碰到了麻烦必须求救,你们知道要拨打什么号码吗?
C: 打911.
A: 对,你们需要拨打911.发生那些紧急状况你需要拨打911?
B: 如果我的祖父得了心脏病。
C: 发生了交通事故。
B: 匪徒到家里抢劫。
C: 火灾警铃响起。
B: 如果我家的火灾警铃响起,我不会打911。唯一一次火灾警铃响起是在我们晚餐吃意大利面条时,妈妈又像往常一样将蒜蓉面包烤糊了。
B: They save people from bad things?
A: That’s right! Now class, if something bad happened and you had to get help, do you know what phone number you would call?
C: 911!
A: Yes, you would pick up the phone and dial 911. What are some emergency situations where you would need to dial 911?
B: If my grandpa has a heart attack!
C: If there is an accident!
B: If a robber breaks into the house!
C: If the fire alarm goes off!
B: Pff! I wouldn’t call 911 if the fire alarm went off in my house. The only time that ever happens is when we’re having spaghetti for supper, and Mom burns the garlic bread, as usual.
dress up 化妆
profession n.职业
fireman n.消防员
police officer n.警察
lifeguard n.保镖
have in common 共同点
dial v. 拨打
heart attack 心脏病
break into 破门而入
go off 响起
A: 好了,同学们,现在我们都已经化妆了,来看看你们都选了什么职业。我看见有消防员,警察,医生和保镖。谁能告诉我这些职业有什么共性吗?
A: 对。同学们,如果你碰到了麻烦必须求救,你们知道要拨打什么号码吗?
C: 打911.
A: 对,你们需要拨打911.发生那些紧急状况你需要拨打911?
B: 如果我的祖父得了心脏病。
C: 发生了交通事故。
B: 匪徒到家里抢劫。
C: 火灾警铃响起。
B: 如果我家的火灾警铃响起,我不会打911。唯一一次火灾警铃响起是在我们晚餐吃意大利面条时,妈妈又像往常一样将蒜蓉面包烤糊了。